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Fang is now seen in the chamber Boboiboy led him to. He found a few robes, presumably readied for him, and put them on. It felt soft and cool, much to his liking. As he sat on the bed, someone knocked on his door. Assuming it was Reverse or Boboiboy, he shouted to the person.

"The door is unlocked, just go inside!"

The door creaked open as Kaizo walked inside. Seeing this Fang awkwardly got up and regretted yelling to his older brother. Even though Kaizo himself doesn't seem to be bothered at all.

"Eh, sorry Cap- I mean, brother. I thought it was Boboiboy who was knocking," he scratched his head.
"No worries," Kaizo shrugged.
"So, why are you visiting me here? Is there something you want to talk about?"
"Ah, about that. It's about Boboiboy's plan, actually," Kaizo sat on the bed, right beside Fang.
"Oh yeah," Fang answered gloomily.

Silence fell upon the brothers. They recalled the short explanation from Boboiboy.


"You're telling me, that a 17 year old boy is leading a clan, and is about to take further matter about this Jurey Clan?" Kaizo exclaimed.
"You dare underestimate him? He can wipe you out of existence in any second," Reverse crossed his arms, dissapointed with his guest.
"Easy, brother Cloy," Boboiboy eased the situation.

In the background, Fang was wiping the remainings of the substances he puked out using the tissue given by Ochobot. He too, was keeping an ear on the discussion.

"Betrayal is something Lord Icarious can never tolerate. I am here to continue the legacy and responsibility left by the previous Protecters."

"Although there is nothing left to protect," Boboiboy mumbled the last sentence. He was unaware that Kaizo was able to decipher his mouth movement.


"You're concerned about what Boboiboy mumbled?" Fang asked.
"Yes. I find it quite serious."

"Boboiboy told us that a Protecter's duty is to protect the Micalic. When he mumbled 'there's nothing left to protect', could he mean that Micalic is no more? Destroyed, perhaps?"

The two siblings looked at each other for a long while.

"Sorry, this was supposed to be a time for us to rest. Yet here I am dumping all this to you," Kaizo sighed.
"It's okay. I like to make my own analysis myself," his younger brother nodded.

The two then shared a small talk on the bed, slapping random topics as soon as there was a chance.

It felt really warm, Kaizo thought. He never had a chance to properly know his younger brother due to his missions. He felt guilty, yet glad at the same time. Fang always understands him, although it's never the other way around. Kaizo wanted to fix that once and for all.

With the crimson red sky of Carist Clan as their witness.


Boboiboy took Ochobot to a charging room, purposely made for him. Reassuring the power sphere that everything will be fine, and that he won't to anything reckless, Boboiboy left Ochobot to get a proper rest.

As he walked outside the room, Reverse was standing there waiting for him. Boboiboy gave him a warm smile, one that he always shows to his friends, and walked pass him.

But as he was walking, Reverse got hold of his shoulder and forcefully turned Boboiboy to face him.

"Now where do you think you're going?" Cloy raised his eyebrow.
"Ah, to visit my friends at Rintis, of course. They deserve to know," Revan answered, letting go of Cloy's grip.
"Are you crazy?! Our plan is already perfect! You're going to spoil it for us!"

Revan gave a tired sigh. He knows that Cloy had seen so much over the years. But he cannot allow innocent lives to be lost, for the sake of this plan. He still cares deeply about the island he has regarded as home, despite all the spise and hate he received in the past.

"We've talked about this, Cloy. I cannot betray my friends trust. If so, I will be just the same as Jurey Clan. No matter how long time will pass, nothing will come to change here. Please, trust me on this, Brother."

Knowing that he was defeated, Cloy went to his chamber to get the rest he also needs. Revan gave a small chuckle before resumed to navigate the hall of the newly built Castle of Pride. As if nothing has happened.

People might assume that this was inhumane or disturbing, but the guardians made by Cloy decorated the corpses of the Caristians with gleaming armour in order to honour their conteibution to Carist's peace these past few centuries.

Boboiboy stopped in front of a corpse, decorated with gold armour. A woman wielding a spear, standing valiantly. It was Cloy's mother. He regarded her death as a very meaningful sacrifice, insisting for her to be treated in a special way.

As he gave his TAPOPS salute, he saw Kaizo walking near him, with an oodly cheerful porcupine following him.

"Wow, Fang. You sure look bright today!" Boboiboy hovered closer.
"Oh, shut up," Fang blushed.
"What are you doing, Boboiboy?" Kaizo tilted his head.
"I'm going to return to Rintis for a short while to explain everything to the others. Days must've already passed by now."
"I see. Don't you want to rest a bit? All this seems to take quite a toll on you. And I know that you have a lot on your plate," Kaizo said, followed by a nod from Fang.

Boboiboy only gave them a warm smile, before finally stating,
"Don't worry Captain. I'm used to it."

There's Two of Them? (Boboiboy&Reverse)Where stories live. Discover now