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Ying was rushing to Kokotiam. Her heart raced along with her speedy legs. The gang had just found a disturbing piece of evidence for the murder case.

"Ochobot!" She called as soon as she arrived.

The chinese girl stood there with confusion. It doesn't seems like the yellow power sphere she was looking for was anywhere to be seen.

'That's weird. Usually Ochobot would be helping Tok Aba running the Kokotiam.'

Ying shrugged and decided to return to the rest. Ochobot is probably resting. This shouldn't hinder their progress.


"I guess it's just the three of us then. Oh well, might as well clean this blood," Yaya replied to Ying's report.
"It seems we got too use at the murder case that this blood writing didn't even surprise us," Ying lazily said as she strecthed a little. They were getting tired of the serial murder case, and soon be came desperate yet lazy to look for clues.

While the two girls were busy cleaning the writing of blood, Fang was studying the text presented there.

"Hmm, 'IT'S NOT HIM IDIOTS'. Haven't I seen this before? Why does it sound so familiar?" The human-like alien mumbled.
"But I feel something different. Something is off... Isn't Ochobot supposed to be here and inspect the scene? Where is he?"

As he was drowning in his thoughts, the Y duo had already finished cleaning up. It was weird. There was a large writing of blood, yet there are no corpses to be found.

"Fang, can you read out the serial murder case report?" Ying asked.
"Huh? Oh, I gave it to Gopal actually..."
"Haishh, why would you give something so important to him? If only he was not so lazy to investigate with us," Ying crossed her arms.

Yaya giggled as she saw the two of them argue about the case report.

"Chill out guys. See this?" Yaya presented a small hologram from her watch.
"There's already an identified suspect for the murder case. The trial will be held today at exactly twelve PM."
"Well, would you look at that! He could well be the culprit all this time! Let's go then!" Ying clapped enthusiastically.

So the three started to walk towards the trial location. Not to forget, they also sent a message to Gopal, hoping he would actually appear in the trial (though they were confident that he wouldn't).

But as they were leaving, Fang saw a cloaked figure above them jumping to the neighbouring house. As soon as he saw that, flashes of memories rushed to his mind.

"Uhh, you two can go ahead. I'll catch up later," he turned to the girls.
"Huh? Is there something wrong? Hey, we haven't even said yes!"

The crimson eyed fellow had already left them behind.

"Telortasi Bayang!" (This isn't a canon ability, but Fang is basically teleporting from shadow to shadow).

As he was chasing the figure, he recalled the memories that he'd already experienced.

'Ok. So this cloaked figure will say something about the 'Carist Clan' before taking his leave, and- Huh?'

To his shock, the figure suddenly stopped, as if something was holding him tightly.

"Don't try to stop me. Don't try go stop the Carist Clan. You don't have any idea on how serious our purpose is. Trust me, you don't want to get involved," the figure seemed time have hissed at... Someone? But who was it? It should've been him and Ying, but, the chinese girl had already left for for the court.

Just as he was about to check, the figure had gone to the house behind him. Fang sighed in defeat as he teleported lazily to the court where the suspect for the serial murder case will be judged.


Somewhere in the depths of Hilir...

"What about our friends in Rintis Island? Wouldn't they look for us?" Ochobot asked.
"During the war, even time was destructed in this place," Boboiboy replied sadly.
"What does it have to do with the time in Rintis Island?"
"I've made it so that Rintis Island would be running in time loop. So when the time in this area has stopped moving, Rintis would be running in the same day as when we left it."

Ochobot went in deep thought. He thought that only LoopBot is able to create distortion in time. He had no idea on how powerful his master's true power is.

While the two were in the midst of their conversation, the white haired twin lifted his hand and released a faint light.

"O, survivers of destruction. Rise, and greet your esteemed guest. For not only that, your sovereign had returned at long last."

Hunderds of human-like shadows emerged from the deep ground. They bowed down to Boboiboy. One even went closer to him, shoving Ochobot aside.

"We welcome you with the warmest smiles, almighty Revan, sovereign of the Carist Clan, our savior, and the wielder of fate," the figure kneeled.

Ochobot's blue screen eyes twitched. He couldn't see where the 'warm smiles' were. The shadows are so distorted and deformed.

A thick fog then descended from the sky, blurring us from whatever event takes place in the ruinous Carist Clan.

There's Two of Them? (Boboiboy&Reverse)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin