The Trial

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"S- sorry for arriving late. Has the trial begin?" The human-like alien rushed to the girls.
"Almost, but not yet. Where have gone? You suddenly rushed off without explanation," Yaya raised her eyebrow.
"Ah, I'll tell you later. Let's attend the trial first."

So they walked inside the court room with Ying leading them, walking as if she was chasing a robber.

They sat just as the Judge walked to his podium. Along with him, the suspect for the serial murder crime had entered.

"Both parties had entered the court room. Mrs Marigo, have you prepared all the evidence you have collected?" The Judge asked.
"Of course, Your Honor."
"And you, Mr Gillymatter?"
"Yes, Your Honor. I am ready," the spoken man said with great courage.

"Very well then. I, Sir Octave, will be the Judge for the trial of Mr Gillymatter," the Judge sat and crossed his legs in a most elegant way.

"Mrs Marigo, you may now begin your testimony regarding the incident that accured in your neighbourhood, and what you had witnessed that day during the 21st of June, Wednesday."

"Yes, Your Honor. So, it was a sunny day, and I decided to take a stroll in the neighbourhood. But just as I was about to cross the road, I saw a cloaked Mr Gillymatter running from a dark alley. So, I went to check what he was running from."

Mrs Marigo took a deep breath before she continued.

"And there it was. The corpse of that poor civilian, lying there lifeless. So I figured that Mr Gillymatter must be the culprit, and thus I ran to the police station to report this matter."

The court was filled with whispers of agreement. Strangely, Mr Gillymatter doesn't seem to have the slightest shock, despite this.

"Forgive me Mrs Marigo, but I believe that you should've been a little more detailed and prepared before accusing me of something so heavy," he calmly shrugged.

Sir Octave raised his eyebrow. "And what is your defense Mr Gillymatter?"

"How could you be so certain that the cloaked figure, as you mentioned, was indeed me? I am quite sure that you wouldn't be able to see the cloaked figure's face from your angle."

"He has a point though."
"That's quite true."
"I'm getting confused."

"Order! Order I say!" Sir Octave smashed his hammer to the podium.

The crowd went silent, excluding Yaya, Ying and Fang who are whispering to each other.

"It couldn't be him. We know that the murderer wields and uses a dark, and supposedly light power to assassinate his prey," Fang covered his mouth as he whispered.
"I agree. There is no one else in this island besides us that are charted as power wielders," Ying replied.

As they were chatting, Mrs Marigo turned with high pride and confidence.

"Oh, but Mr Gillymatter, you had just made yourself quite transparent to the whole crowd! Your statement had just become my biggest proof and evidence!" She pointed confidently.

"According to your statement, it is impossible for me to identify that the figure was indeed you if viewed from my angle. If you were not the culprit, then it's very unlikely for you to be anywhere near the scene. Yet you knew where I was standing during the time of the crime! Thus making you so confident in saying that!"

Astonished, Mr Gillymatter's eyes widened by the woman's statement. Clearly not expecting such a counter attack early in the trial.

Sir Octave's gaze shifted towards the man, changing to a sharp and discreet look.

"That is quite a heavy, yet convincing accusation, Mr Gillymatter. How do you object to this?"
"I... I was..." The man struggled to get his words out.

"I object Your Honor!" A man rises from his seat, pointing to the Judge.

The three were shocked to see that the man was none other than their good friend Gopal. Despite his confidence, they highly doubt that he can provide any solid evidence for Mr Gillymatter's innocence.

"I can confirm that Mr Gillymatter lives just around my house. So he had no reason to be anywhere near the mentioned alley!" He crossed his arms.
"First of all, Mr Gopal, might I remind you that interrupting an ongoing trial is forbidden, unless you are the defendant's attorney."

Gopal's expression changed to a a more shocked and fearful look as Sir Octave gazed upon him sharply.

"Second, it seems to me that you are implying that there is a shapeshifter on the loose, seeking to put the blame towards Mr Gillymatter?" He continued.
"Uh, precisely Your Honor," the boy had lost his confidence in his words.
"Yet I do not recall to have seen any other charted power wielders beside you and your other four friends."

At this point, they had no more excuses left to not help the Molecule Manipulator, as he will get in quite a mess from interrupting such an important trial.

"Forgive me for this interruptance Your Honor, but I request of you to adjourn this trial for minimally a whole day," Fang raised his right hand, signalling permission to speak.
"Ah, Mr Fang. Though I respect you from your deeds, but still, the rules of the court must be upheld," Sir Octave's expression softened.
"I completely understand and respect it, Your Honor. But there is a matter regarding this case that I'd like to discuss. Thus I request for this trial to be adjourned for an uncertain amount of time."

As Fang walked up to the podium to explain to the Judge, Yaya and Ying escorted Gopal to the nearest exit, smiling as politely as they can to the staring crowd.

"Haishh, Gopal. Why are you even like this?" Yaya lightly punched him in the back.
"I just thought that Boboiboy might change his mind and show up at the trial, so I came here."
"And what about that ridiculous objection?" Ying added furiously.
"Oh, Mr Gillymatter is a close friend of my father, so I defended by reflex," he grinned innocently.

They didn't notice Fang walking inside until a few moments later when he tapped Gopal in the shoulder.

"I just managed to convince Sir Octave to adjourn the trial until the day after tomorrow. I told him about the presence of the mysterious power."
"So, what do we do now?" Ying asked.
"Let's go visit Boboiboy. I am curious on what he has to say. Even though he is in isolation, I'm sure that this will intrigue him," Yaya suggested.

But once they arrive at Tok Aba's house, he tells them that Boboiboy hasn't gone out at all, supposedly wanting to spend time alone. When they asked where Ochobot went, he said that he likely refused to leave his side.

And so they had to leave empty handed, assuming that their friend just took his isolation seriously.


"WAR?! Are you out of your mind? You're just like fifteen!" Ochobot violently shook his owner.
"Yet I have been the Sovereign of the Carist Clan ever since I was eleven," he replied coldly. Perhaps offended on how Ochobot underestimated his strength and understanding of the universes' clockwork.

"War cannot be stopped. We will ask the rebels of the Jurey Clan to be alliances. I will contact them immediately."
"Thank you Reverse. In the meantime, I will explain to you on how the Clash of the Clans happened fifteen years ago," Boboiboy pointed to Ochobot.

And so, in a deep and meaningful atmosphere, he told everything to the yellow power sphere.

Absolutely everything.

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