Interlude: Micalic

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"Is that so? Could it not be the Glorious Five?" A woman guarding the gate tilted her head.
"I am quite sure that they are seperate entities, as the Glorious Five have been confirmed to have perished many years ago," Amato shook his head.

The woman only gave a short 'oh' as a reply. She then allowed Amato and Cloy to step inside the Jurey Clan's territory, as they are the purest and royal blood of the Carist Clan.

"Um, Uncle, can I ask something?" Cloy said as they started to walk in the streets.
"I shall answer any questions, my boy."
"Why are we the only ones here? Where are the other people from the clan? Like Mrs Mira for example."
"Oh. That. Well, although Jurey and Carist have a good connection, they only agreed to let the royal blood to enter the clan, as they are the only ones who can benefit them in many ways," Amato replied.

Cloy nodded as sign that he understand. 'So that means that I am royalty, huh. How did I not know this? Perhaps I was just a little too ignorant of this fact.'

But then he remembered something.

"Uncle, is Revan already here? You didn't left him behind, did you?"
"Of course. Revan and my wife had already evacuated here the moment we caught sight of the two entities."

A great feeling of relief fills himself as he now had nothing to worry about.


A few minutes of continuous walking, Cloy was getting quite tired. He was not used to walk far distances, as he was raised inside the walls of Castle of Pride.

As he was about to start complaining to Amato, they made a stop in front of a giant portal. It looked historical and elegant, with the symbol of the Jurey Clan, which is a four leaf clover glowing from the very top. Many beautiful patterns were carved on the circle shaped portal. From the middle glowed a faint light of yellow, seemingly creating a spiral.

"Here we are, Cloy. Now, why don't you step inside before me? I'll have a small chat with the authorities here," Amato pointed to the portal.
"Why do I need to go alone? Beside your reasoning earlier?" Cloy tilted his head curiously.
"Well, since this portal was made by human knowledge, that is still limited to certain things like this, if more than one person enters, the portal will face a massive distortion," the uncle patiently explains.

As the boy nodded with understanding, Amato left to approach a nearby civilian.

Cloy stepped towards the portal, feeling anxious on what could happen. That is, until a passing teenage girl went near him to help.

"Hi! My name is Estra! What's yours?"
"Uh, Cloy. My name is Cloy. Pleasure meeting you," the boy replied awkwardly to the sudden greeting.
"Doesn't sound like someone from here... Eh, whatever. If you enter that portal, just remember to not make any sudden movements, or the realm would collapse," Estra grinned happily.

Cloy was confused on why this seemed normal to the teenage girl. But, he just assumed that portals like this were commonly used by the public, and took her advise.

Once Cloy stepped foot inside the portal, a powerful force started to suck him further inside. In the portal, blinding lights were covering Cloy's vision. He carefully lifted his hands to protect his eyes from it.

It felt like a long time had passed before he dropped to the solid ground. Cloy rubbed his eyes, in effort of receiving a better view of his location. But before he managed to do that, a warm hand took hold of his own.

"Cloy! I had received the news regarding your mother, and oh, I was dismayed!" A worried voice of a woman was heard.
"Wait, Auntie? Is that you? I can't see properly..."
"Yes, it's me. Revan is also with me, inside the tower," Revan's mother lifted Cloy with an unexpected strength.

When they arrive to the front of the tower, Cloy had managed to see clearly, and he was jaw-dropped by the magnificent scenery.

In front of him stood a massive tower that reached to the skies of the realm. It seemed to have been made using wood, yet the structure was as sturdy as concrete. Hundreds of windows were attached to the side, with each having its own unique carving. And lastly, at the very top, gleamed the ancient device, the Micalic.

The Micalic looked very similar to a power sphere. The classical round shape, staying afloat in peace. It had a warm combination of blue and pink in its body. Quite a feminime combination, according to Cloy. The Micalic was accesoried with a veil, covering the front of it with an ever elegant taste.

Before he could give a comment, Revan's mother had already stepped inside the tower, through a door that, Cloy thought was invisible.

Once they were inside, Cloy was shocked to see that doors were planted everywhere in the tower. But most of them had portraits of many people unknown to him hanging in the front of each different door.

"Auntie, what are those pictures?"
"Well, this tower is named The Tower of the Protecters, and each door was once a settlement for a Protecter of Micalic," his Aunt thinly smiled.
"Protecter... Wait, so baby Revan is a Protecter?" A memory of the loud room back at the castle was lit.

When his Aunt gave a small laugh, he knew that he was correct.

A few moments later, Cloy found himself in a room with his Aunt and Revan after entering a teleporter of some sort. He played for a good fair amount of time before a wave of boredom rushed to his body.

"Auntie..." Cloy started.
"If you are bored, ask one of the guards to assist you to observe Micalic," she replied lazily before Cloy could start whining.

So he rushed outside, leaving a confused cousin and a grinning aunt. On his search, he found the same teleporter that brought him to the current floor.

'Perhaps I can use this to get to the Micalic, just like how Auntie brought me here.' Thought he.

But once he stepped to the circle that they used, he realized that he didn't know how to activate the teleporter. Though confused, his mind remained focused to the thought of studying Micalic.

As he was lost in thought, a thread of light started to form from where he is standing. Before the boy knew it, he was transported to the top of the tower, where the Micalic remains afloat.

A thick feeling of excitement fills his chest, which made his heart beat faster every second.

"So this is the Micalic... The one my cousin is supposed to protect. I'll dedicated my life studying this device, so I'll provide a good amount of help to baby Revan!"

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