Chapter 31

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( A/N This chapter kicked my ass...I don't know why, but it did. My mind kept drawing a blank. Also if you ever see the name Pam instead of Pan, it's because my phone keeps autocorrecting to that. I really hope you guys enjoy this chapter, I hate that it took so long, but this chapter is finally done. Hopefully I can wrap Neverland up in the next chapter because it's driving me crazy. Please enjoy)


Three guesses to who was poisoned...

If you guessed anyone other than David, you'd be wrong.

Leave it to a Charming to get hit even after I warned them. He probably didn't take me seriously. He's trying to hide it and so far no one has taken notice. Well except for Killian and myself. His movements are slower and now he's taking up the back. "Where are we going? Do you already know where the camp is? "Snow asked. "No we don't, but we know someone who might"I stated. "Let me guess another ghost"Snow scoffed. I rolled my eyes choosing to ignore the comment. At least ghosts will actually listen to me. Although that might be because of Ayana. Even in death that woman still amazes me. She was so powerful, but she never showed it. I could sense it though due to being a siphoner. She taught me how to show a little power in order to command respect., she taught me a lot actually. The Bennet's are a line filled with powerful witches, some barely scraping their potential. I helped a few get there, until they turned on me during the Salem witch trails. Maybe I'll help Bonnie if she comes to her senses.


The shout quickly drew me out of my thoughts. I looked towards the owner of the voice, Regina. "Sorry, did you need something?"I asked. "Have you checked on Henry yet?"She asked. Emma glanced at me. "Don't worry, he's still safe"I assured them. Since I was the one to create the talismans, I'm actually connected to it. If someone tried to attack one of the wearers I would know. "And how would you know that?"David asked. "Magic"I said simply. I could hear Snow sigh heavily, hell she was probably rolling her eyes. Just ignore her Rowena. I'm tired of arguing with them, all it's doing is stressing out Emma. It's like talking to a brick wall with those two. "Killian how much further is it?"I asked. "It should be just ahead"He replied. "How do we know this person will help? Who are they?"Emma asked. "Tinkerbell and I'm certain she'll help. She's been wanting to get off the island since I've met her"I explained. "As in the fairy?"Emma asked. I nodded. "She's the only fairy I actually like"I stated. "How could you not like fairies?"Snow asked. I didn't see the need to answer. I had called on Blue multiple times after our first meeting and called on many others. They all refused to help me. In a moment of weakness, when my humanity was flickering, I burned one alive. Not my best moment. "Tinkerbell, we can't trust her. She'll never help us"Regina stressed. I'm sensing some history there. Glad I'm not the only one with a fairy problem. "It's better than playing Pan's sick game"Enzo chimes in. "I was trying all night and got nothing"Emma stated. "Well if your mother was right and she usually is, then Pan will wait till the last moment to reveal the map"Killian stated. I smiled, even when I'm wrong he's still on my side. How did I get so lucky? An amazing daughter, a clever grandson and Killian. If someone told me a century ago that I would fall in love with a pirate, I would've called them crazy. Here we are though, he stayed even when he found out what I was. He's helped me so much, more than my some of siblings. He helped me hang on to my humanity and onto hope. Hope that I would see my daughter again and that she would accept me. I don't even want to think of what might happen if I was to lose him. I know with him being human that's a very real possibility, but maybe I can find a way for it to really be forever. Hopefully he'll agree to it, but I'm not worried I'm sure he will. I just don't know how to approach to subject.

Back to reality, Rowena.

After pushing my thoughts away, I noticed we had finally arrived at Tinkerbelle's tree house. She wasn't home, no surprise there. She does a lot of forging during the day, the forest is too dangerous to wander around at night. Between the Lost boys, wild animals, dreamshade and those bloody shadows, this forest might as well be called Death trap. "Well? Where is she?"Snow asked. I raised an eyebrow. "I'm not psychic"I answered. "Could've fooled me"Snow muttered. She's worse than Rebekah. At least Rebekah actually listens to me, I'm probably the only one she does listen to. If I ignore her maybe she'll stop? "We're wasting time. We should be looking for Pan's camp"David urged. "No one's stopping you, mate"Killian replied. "If you two want to try and navigate this forest by yourselves then be my guest"I said gesturing toward the forest. "We're not splitting up. It's safer in a group"Emma stated. "She's right, none of us know this forest except for Killian and Ro. If we split up then the Lost boys could pick you off"Enzo agreed. "Whether we like it or not, we have to work together. It's the only way we can save Henry. We can go back to hating each other when this is over"Regina added causing the Charmings to fall silent. It seems they are finally starting to understand or they're silent due to everyone being against them. Either way I'll enjoy it while it lasts.

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