82. The Hunt Is on Pt. 1

Start from the beginning

Arrow sat in the passenger seat as Nicholas drives them to their destination. Hope and excitement filled her as Nicholas drove them to their destination. The cure and Ezra so close within her reach. She was almost there, and she knew that all her problems would be solved. With two weeks to spare. She couldn't wait to get her hands on the cure.

From time to time, she found her mind going back to her conversation with Dean. She had to keep reminding herself that she made the right decision-no matter how hurt Dean looked. She would never forgive herself I he got caught in the crossfire. Arrow told herself it would be better this way, even if she failed.

Arrow checks her watch as Nicholas drives them to their designated hunger-a couple of minutes until ten p.m.

"This is it, one step closer to getting our lives back." She says as Nicholas parks the car - turning off the engine.

The jet was a distance away from the hangar where they parked; the aircraft was situated and ready for their journey.

"Well, let's get a move on. I'll bring the bags. You go on ahead." Nicholas says to her. She nods, exiting the car and heading to the jet, walking across the tarmac.

"Dole?" she calls out as she reaches the stairs to the jet. "Dole, we're here! A bit earlier than we d-" Arrow's sentence breaks off into a gasp as she reflexively pulls her handgun from her belt-aiming it at the person holding a gun at Dole's head.

"How?" Arrow asks.

"You think I didn't have eyes on you? That I left you be? Be for real Berlin. I had eyes on you every single way I could-surveillance on all your assets in the city. Imagine my shock when I get the tip that you pilot is organizing clearance to fly. I have to admit, though, you have a loyal one on your hands here. Gave me nothing. So tell me, where are you jetting off to Arrow?" Quinn Brooks says in return.

"Let him go. He's not involved in this."

"Where is he taking you? Cooperation is the key here, you know," Quinn replies.

"It's a personal trip."

"That so? Why don't I believe you?"

"No clue, let my pilot go, Quinn. You want to talk fine! But release him." Arrow states.

"I don't want to chat. I want answers. You can't fly without a pilot..." she says, shoving the gun closer to Dole's head. "It's obvious this has to do with Rockwell. Everything you've been up to has to do with him. You killed my informant. That tells me she found out something. Tell me what you know and I'll let you fly out of here. Be on my way."

"It doesn't concern you. You don't get to demand answers from me."

"IT CONCERMS ME! ROCKWELL IS MINE! MINE TO FIND, MINE TO BRING IN!" Quinn yells, making Dole flinch. "You know, I've been racking my brain, trying to find out where and how. And then I stumbled upon her...leaving your home. I was beyond surprised. Never saw you as the type."

"What type?" Arrow asks.

"The type to have A Lycan in your back pocket. Giving you information!"

"What." Arrow says stunned.

"My people are already working on her. One way or the other, I will have answers, either you or her. But I won't let you leave Tares before I get them." Quinn tells her. "You know more than you let on, Arrow. You always have. Tell me, where did you find her? Reynolds' cousin."

"She found me," Arrow states, trying to line up a clear shit as she spoke. Hoping Quinn would get distracted enough to move out from behind her pilot.

"Why?" Quinn demands.

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