7. No Sympathy For The Devil

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"Oh my gosh! I am so excited for you. And he's really hot, what a bonus!" Avery gushes to Naomi as she pulls up in front of the coffee shop. Naomi blushes slightly at her friend's words, rolling her eyes. After meeting Jensen Carter yesterday when he came to thank her for saving his life and rerouting to the hospital he asked for – He'd asked her on a coffee date. To which she said yes.

She was genuinely excited for their little date as she did have somewhat of an attraction to her car wreck victim. Her friend wasn't exaggerating when she called him hot.

"Okay, I'll be in the parking lot. Ready and waiting if things go awry," Avery says to her friend. "But do remember we have to get to shift in two hours. Have a good time, okay, enjoy it." With that, Naomi exits the car. 

She spots Jensen through the glass windows sitting at a table waiting. Psyching herself up, she gives Avery a quick wave before entering the building. She walks to Jensen, a blush automatically forming on her face. Upon spotting her, he rises out of his seat to greet her, and like a gentleman, he pulls out the chair for her to sit. The two order coffee and a breakfast bagel, breaking into an easy conversation.

An hour passes by quickly, the two of them having animatedly talked the entire time. Their conversation flowed effortlessly, with no awkward moments or reasons to abandon ship. The portion of their conversation had now reached Naomi's job as they realized she'd be heading off to her shift soon.

She tells him all the details she loves about her job, excitedly detailing some of her more bizarre encounters. Jensen listens to every word she says, staring at her in admiration. "Doesn't it get dangerous at times though?" He asks curiously.

"Yeah. I've had plenty of close calls and scary encounters. Nothing that has kept me down for long though. I always get back up." She answers him. "Had a crazy one on my last night shift actually. I got attacked and accidentally drugged during it."

"What!" Jensen exclaims in surprise. Naomi goes on to detail her shift from the night of the eclipse. Jensen's expression switches between anger, worry, fear and shock as she recalls her story.

"The doctor said it was all a hallucination from the drug but I'm telling you it felt so real! The areas that physically hurt matched up with what I remember seeing. But I know he's right. There's no logical explanation for anything I saw that night."

Jensen goes to speak but Naomi's alarm goes off. "You have to leave, don't you?" He asks with a slight sigh. "Yeah, have to get to work," Naomi responds. She gets up to leave, Jensen standing as well. "I had a great time. It was too short," Jensen says to her. "It was," She agrees. Pulling out his phone, Jensen holds it out to her, "Maybe we can arrange to meet again sometime," He says to her hopefully.

With a blush on her face, Naomi takes the phone, saving her number on it. "Definitely," She says, picking up her purse. "See you around Jensen," She says, turning to walk away.

"Bye Naomi," Jensen says to her retreating figure, watching her with a smile on his face as she exits the store.



Parking his car, Jensen exits, walking to lean against its trunk. He watches as the headlights of another car turn onto the street, the car slowing down before stopping completely. The person driving the vehicle had been following him throughout the entire day – It was night now. Ever since he left the coffee shop, he noticed he'd acquired a shadow.

This particular shadow he knew he had to deal with – For they had seen him with Naomi, and there was no chance in hell he'd let them go without knowing who they were and what they wanted with him. 

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