64. History And Its Domino Effect

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Jensen pulls up to his driveway just as the sun begins to set, spotting Vanessa parked in front of his home waiting for him. Upon seeing his car, she exits her vehicle immediately, making her way to him. She reaches him as he turns off the engine, an impatient air around her. 

"Vanessa," Jensen says in greeting as he exits.

"Hey, Jensen. It's been a while, hasn't it," She replies to him with a  forced smile that resembles a cringe.

"Let's go inside," Jensen says, leading the way. 

"I'm glad you agreed to see me," Vanessa begins, taking a seat on the couch. "I've been so worried about Jackson lately. He's got himself into real deep trouble. Is Clayton or  Yara going to be joining us? Considering it's Jackson...."

"Nope, it's just me. I'll relay the news to them of course."

"Oh, I see," She responds softly, "Okay well, let me tell you everything I know. It's a lot. I hope in the end you can convince Clay to get involved in this. It is his brother after all." 

"So, what could Jackson have done that's so bad to put his life at risk?" Jensen asks sitting in the chair opposite her.

"Well, he's on the run. Laying low and constantly moving. But I haven't heard from him and I'm worried he's been caught," Vanessa starts. "Let me start from the beginning. So you're aware of Jackson's past... work relationship with Elmann Berlin and Vincent Rockwell, right?"

"Vaguely. I know he had a 'work relationship' with those two. He brushed on it once." Jensen replies. "I'm guessing long story short is that he screwed them over?"

"Okay, from the beginning!" Vanessa states, but Jensen interrupts her.

"Before we deep dive. I have to ask. How? How are you in Jackson's mess? And why are you staying in it?"

"I'm helping him, Jensen," She replies as if it were obvious. "He needed someone to have his back and he needed someone to listen to him and his side of the story and help him!"

"Funny, because he blatantly told us he didn't want help when he mentioned these people."

"Maybe he wanted unbiased, unjudgmental assistance from someone who won't try to dictate the situations," She answers, her tone passive-aggressive. 

"Then he shouldn't want it now," Jensen responds with a raised brow.

"He didn't send me Jensen! He's in trouble, I came on my own because I think he needs help!" Vanessa says raising her voice. 

Jensen lets out a long sigh before motioning for her to continue, "The story."

 "Elmann was diagnosed with this disease called multiple system atrophy. His case was aggressive and advancing rapidly and by all-natural means, he should not be alive today," Vanessa begins. "It's a progressive neurodegenerative disorder characterized by a combination of symptoms that affect basically....well everything. That's what brought him and Vincent together, that's what started their work..."

"Hypocritical if you ask me!" Jensen scoffs in disgust. "Using Lycan genes to heal yourself while killing us for being abominations. Working with Lycans to your benefit but killing innocent wolves every day! Having an entire hunting organization in your name! What the hell was Jackson thinking? Working with this man, Vincent too!" He says incredulously.

"They researched and experimented with Lycanthropy, messing with cells and mutations, creating drugs, serums, powders... you name it. Jackson says Elmann named their creations Lycantho-cures. They started at L-I and now they're at L-XVI and working on L-XVII," Vanessa pauses for him to comment but Jensen motions for her to continue. 

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