4. Fates Intertwining

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She watched as they entered the restaurant, fake smiles plastered on their faces, eyes scanning and analyzing everything and everyone in the room. Hunters - She could tell simply by the way they moved. Backs straight, heads held high - An overall air of self-righteousness surrounding them. Only two this time she noted. Yesterday it was five. This was the fourth time this week a group of them came into the restaurant. They were up to something, or at the very least - looking for someone.

"Hey, Yara, there are some detectives here. Something to do with Francis," Her hostess, Rebecca, says approaching her. Tearing her gaze from the two men, she looks to Rebecca and then to the front entrance. "Did they say exactly what it was about?" She asks as she scrutinized the two detectives who stood there waiting.

"Didn't give them the chance to," Rebecca replies with a nonchalant shrug.

"Alright, thanks. I'll take care of it."

With one last glance at the two hunters, she heads to the detectives, Rebecca walking beside her. "Hi, I'm Yara Rosewood. What can I help you guys with?" She says with a pleasant smile on her face.

"Detectives Straken and Wilson. We're here regarding Francis Linton," The detective, Straken, says to her. "Is there someplace private we can talk?"

"Yeah sure, my office is this way. Follow me."


In her office the two detectives inform Yara of Francis' passing, diving into a series of questions about her. They wanted to know everything, even the tiniest of details - Was she friendly, how was she with customers. If she had any enemies, anybody who want to hurt her. "From what you described, I'd say yeah, maybe she had an enemy or two," was her response to that particular question.

"Listen, I oversee about fifty people daily. I'm constantly up and down, trying to keep this place running smoothly. I didn't know her personally. We weren't friends or anything like that. Heck, I didn't even realize she didn't come in for work today. I'm sorry I can't be of more help to you guys." Yara says to them, her tone conveying this was going to be the end of their conversation.
Taking the hint, Calvin pulls out his notepad, scribbling his name and number onto it, "If you remember anything. Anything at all, no matter how small. You give us a call okay."

"Yeah, will do," She answers, accepting the paper.

"Thanks for your time Miss Rosewood," Dean says to her to which she gives a single nod.



"Oh, so. You could return to work days after a traumatic experience but you can't handle going on a double date with me six months after a failed blind date?" Avery says in a frustrated tone. "You realize you sound ridiculous right?"

"I sound ridiculous?" Naomi responds to her friend with a laugh of disbelief. "Okay, firstly. The doctor cleared me to return to work. Second, do you hear what you are asking me to do? You want me to do on a date with Sean's cousin's friend's recently divorced old college roommate. A guy you have never met."

"It sounds bad when you phrase it like that Nomi,"

"It sounds bad no matter how you phrase it Av!" Naomi argues back with a chuckle.

"Hey, you sure you're ready to be back out?" Avery her asks softly.

"One hundred percent," Naomi answers.

"Are we gonna address the haircut then?" Avery says, her eyes going to her friend's new hairdo.

"What about it? I like it, and besides, it's more practical than long hair. I'm learning from an unfortunate event Av, that's all. Nothing to read into there."

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