5. Call For Backup

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In the passenger seat of the car, Yara rummages through her purse, pulling out a disposable burner phone. "Come on, pick up," She mumbles softly as she dials a number. The line rings a couple of times before eventually going to voicemail. Hanging up, she tries again, getting the same result. "Dammit Nick!" She sighs heavily.

The driver of the car swerves wildly, catching her off guarding and causing her purse to slip off her lap. "Take it easy Clay!" She exclaims to the driver. "We can't help Jensen if we're dead you know."

"Sorry, sorry," The driver, Clayton Reynolds, apologizes to her.

Yara looks across at him, studying his features. "He'll be fine," She reassures him, to which he replies with an "I hope so."

"Nick isn't picking up the phone," She tells him with a sigh as she picks up her bag and tosses her phone in. "Francis and her husband are dead, what's to say they didn't kill Nick too!"

"The police didn't find his body though," Clayton says as they turn into Oak Crest Medical Center's parking lot.

"That's the thing," Yara begins, talking as she unbuckled her seat belt. "Since when do hunters let the police come across bodies and open a murder investigation? They're either getting sloppy or it's all part of some bigger scheme."

"It can't be the latter. They'd never risk exposure like that. It'd be too dangerous. Having regular humans discover their reality and ours... It's something else. I'm just wondering how our friends got themselves caught up in this hunters' mess. What happened to staying off their radars?!" Clayton replies with a sigh. "Enough of that for now, let's go see Jensen."

The two of them step out of the car, heading toward the elevator. Clayton moves to Yara's left, grabbing her hand in his as they walk. His finger brushing over the gold band of her engagement ring, tracing the intricate pattern carved into it - a smile appearing on both their faces. "

You know, Rosewood-Reynolds has a nice ring to it," he says to her, nudging her shoulder.

"Yara Rosewood Reynolds? Really? That has a nice ring to it?" she asks incredulously.


In the hospital, a nurse escorts them to Jensen's room, briefing them on his injuries. "He's asleep but you can go in," she says to them before walking away.

"What the hell did you get yourself into Jensen?" Yara growls softly to him as she nears his bed - knowing fully well he wasn't asleep. Jensen slowly opens his eye, squinting at the light to look at Yara.

"I'm waiting for an answer," she says folding her arms angrily. Clayton stands behind her simply observing the exchange. No longer worried for Jensen's life, he had no objections to letting Yara give him a piece of her mind. If anything he deserved it for being so reckless.

"I thought I had a solid lead," Jensen explains. "The mole gave me the address, I checked it out prior, I don't know what -"

"Wait, wait, wait!" Yara interrupts, "The mole! Jensen Carter, did I not tell you a hundred times before you cannot trust this person." She hisses.

Lowering her voice, she continues, "We do not know exactly who they are, but we do know one thing! - They're a hunter, Jensen! A hunter! You cannot trust them! They don't care about you, they want you dead. This person is not going to help you find what you are looking for! - They are going to help you get yourself killed!"


"No! Don't Yara me! How could you be so blind, Jensen? How do you not see that this hunter is playing with you? They know you're desperate and they're using that against you."

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