48. Boiling Point

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Dean couldn't wipe the grin off his face as he and Calvin walked out of their captain's office. It took almost a half hour of convincing and debating - But he got what he wanted, their captain agreeing to put Calvin on his and Brook's case.

"Can't believe you guilt-tripped Captain like that," Calvin whispers to him as they walk to their desk, hearing the amusement in his tone.

"I didn't guilt trip our Captain. He's above that! I simply brought certain matters into perspective," Dean replies with a smile.

"Ah, Dean. There you are-" Quinn greets him.

"Quinn Brooks, this is my partner Calvin. Calvin this is Detective Quinn Brooks. The Captain has given Calvin the green light to join the case. I've caught him up on everything. " Dean says to her, watching the expressions on her face from shock to anger and what almost looked like jealousy. He dismisses the thought, believing he read her wrong - There's nothing for her to be jealous of.

"Oh? Is that so?" Quinn begins her eyes drifting from Dean to Calvin. Putting a smile on her face she stretches her hand out to Calvin, "Well, glad to have you on." She says to him, Dean hearing an edge to her polite tone.

"Yeah," Calvin says wearily.

"How much does he know?" She asks, looking past Calvin at Dean.

"Everything," Calvin interjects, getting her attention back on him. "He knows everything and he's standing right here." He says to her, adding a playful wink at the end. Quinn gives him a forced smile and nods.

"That's good. Will make things go easier," She says to both of them.

"Alright, let's get to work. This case won't solve itself." Dean says to them. 

The three of them head to their desks and begin going over the case, discussing theories and possibilities until Joe informs the group Susanna had the information they wanted. Volunteering to head down, Calvin leaves Dean and Quinn at the desk, Quinn deciding to use the time to confront Dean.

"You didn't know that the Captain would've allowed him on the case," She begins, making Dean look up from the file in front of him. "This case is a lot and he seems more than caught up."

"Cal's smart. He's a quick learner, quicker study." Dean answers simply. "What are you worried about?" At her silence, Dean questions her again, "Something bothering you Brooks?" 

"No. Once you know what you're doing."

"I do."

"Good then."

Calvin's return saves the two from sitting in tense silence any longer, something Dean was thankful for. 

"So turns out, Mrs. Marvick, her sister and the babysitter Alana were human," Calvin begins in a whisper.  "All the rest of our vics were Lycans."

"You had the examiner check who was Lycan?" Quinn asks in shock.

"Yeah. Cal and I were discussing theories. He came up with the idea," Dean begins. "This is good, gives us a more solid ground to work on. 

"How so?" Quinn asks, Dean, seeing the slight tick to her jaw.

"Because of what Alana hinted at, we considered the possibility that it was Lycans attacking hunters. But now that we know that the majority of our vics were Lycan..." Dean trails off, leaving the answer in the air.

"It's not hunters," Quinn says after a minute. "We'd never be so sloppy. This still has those creatures written all over it."

"Lycans killing Lycans?" Calvin interjects.

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