41. Back Against The Wall

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"Use his phone and call his friend!" Yara shouts into her cell as she opens their safe - Retrieving a gun and two rounds of ammunition. "Where are you now? Can you get to the abandoned park on Finks?" She asks Clay, listening anxiously as he let out a string of curses before yelling out Jensen's name.

"Clay! Can you get to the abandoned park on Finks?!" She yells worriedly.

"Good," She replies to Clayton's affirmative response. "Use Jensen's phone, call his friend. The gym's close by, he can reach there before me. Hold them off, I'm on my way. Babe, be careful!" She rushes out as she runs out of the house.

Running to their garage, Yara passes her car, going straight to the tarp-covered motorcycle. It'd been some time since she last rode but she needed to get to Clay and Jensen fast. Her bike was the better option of the two as she couldn't risk getting kept back in traffic. As she picked her helmet up off the seat, her heart thumped wildly in her chest.  She knew the bike was still functional as Clay made a point to keep up its maintenance.

Yara revs the engine, briefly relishing in the familiar rumble before pulling out of the garage. Taking off at full speed, she expertly maneuvers her way through the streets. She could only hope she or Jensen's friend made it to Clay in time.

Yara was shocked at the situation but at the same time not completely surprised. Lately, hunters had a habit of attacking without question and provocation. More so than before. It seems as if they've completely lost their moral compass. Attacking wherever and whenever. Killing Lycans is all they know, never stopping to think about the lives and families they ruin. Serial murderers who claim to make the city safer is what they were.

Yara weaves through the traffic, glad she chose the bike instead of her car. Doing her best to focus on getting to Clay and not thinking about the worst-case scenarios.


The abandoned park on Finks consists of the long-forgotten remnants of an amusement park that tried to establish itself in Tares City.  Never making it to its grand opening, most of the equipment had been removed - Leaving behind a field with overgrown patches and rusty machinery parts no one bothered to clear away.
It was far enough from the nearest neighborhood which would give them the seclusion they needed.
On top of everything they didn't need an audience witnessing everything.


Finally, Yara pulls onto Finks reaching the abandoned park. "No, shit!" She exclaims as she hops off the bike. Ahead of her, she saw bodies littered across the ground, several vehicles parked haphazardly between them. Running to the scene she sees Dalton fighting against two hunters - Holding both back as one tries to embed their knife into him. A little ways behind him, three hunters circling her fiancé in his Lycan form.

"Dammit!" She growls, whipping out her gun. Yara runs a bit closer before firing the weapon. Taking down two with a headshot, Clayton takes care of the last one with a bite to the neck. She turns her gun to assist Dalton next, shooting one in the leg - Giving Dalton the opening he needed to end it.

She quickly turns her gun on the other two who were now training their guns on her. Not hesitating, she fires off more rounds into one as Lycan Clay attacks the other.

With all their adversaries down, Yara marches her way to them, heading straight to Clay. Sidestepping the sea of bodies in her way.

"YOU SHIFTED CLAY?! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!" She yells hysterical as she reaches him.

She notices Dalton to her side as he runs past her, heading to the truck.

She watches angrily as Clayton shifts back, walking to her. Before she could get another word out, he pulls her into his embrace. "It's fine, Yara. It's not like I do it often. It won't be of any consequence, trust me. Besides, I had to. They caught up with us before Dalton could get here. And they had some friends who joined them on the road. We were backed against the wall, babe. Was the only way," He says to her.

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