24. Conversations Had And Heard

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"Where's Sean?" Naomi asks as Avery hops into the passenger seat of her car.

"He can't make it. Work called," She answers with a sad sigh. "Jensen coming?" She asks in return.

"Yeah, he's bringing his friend too. I also invited Calvin," Naomi says to her as she drives off.

"How is Calvin?" Avery asks.

"He doesn't know how to act around his partner," Naomi responds. "He wants to bring it up but he knows that won't be the best move for him to make. Not yet anyway."

"Does he think Dean is a hunter or just working alongside one?" Avery questions.

"He's still not sure. He said Dean never struck him as a wolf murderer," Naomi answers, using Calvin's exact phrasing.


The girls arrive at the park, the Firehouse's annual charity BBQ already in full swing. They find their crew, breaking off to talk to everyone. Naomi goes to her brother as Avery finds herself playfully arguing with some firefighters. "Naomi, hey," Kai greets her as she walks up to him.

"Hey," She greets with a smile noticing the girl standing close to her brother. 

"Naomi, this is Callie. Callie, this is my sister Naomi," Kai says introducing the two. Naomi nods in greeting the girl, getting a smile in return. She chats with them a little longer, learning that they met each other recently after her brother rescued her from a fire. The girl seems sweet enough, if not a little shy. After their talk, Naomi leaves them, making her way to other firehouses and chatting with friends and fellow responders.

As she begins to make her way back to Avery, a voice calls out to her. Stopping in her tracks, she turns around to see her biological mother walking towards her - Her husband and their child in tow.

"You've got to be kidding!" Naomi says out loud, scorn on her face.
She stands there, watching in dismay as Mellissa and her family quickly approach her.

"Trish-" Mellissa begins with a smile but Naomi cuts her off before she could finish.

"That's not my name," She says with a glare. "What are you doing here?" 

"If I'm not mistaken, this is a public event," Her husband buts in.

"You're right, it is. Goodbye now," Naomi says turning to walk away.

"Wait!" Mellissa calls out, to which Naomi swiftly turns back around to face her. "Leave me alone!" She groans out angrily. Melissa's face morphs into an expression of hurt making Naomi roll her eyes as she continues on her way. She's able to take a total of five steps before a hand on her shoulder stops her. Spinning around, she comes face to face with Melissa's husband. Standing with his back straight, he had a cocky expression about him.

"Excuse you!" Naomi exclaims furiously, slapping the hand off her shoulder. The expression on his face turns into a scowl as he looks down at Naomi.

"Listen," He begins, "I don't appreciate the way you speak to my wife. You are very rude to her. And, quite frankly, you are being extremely selfish!" The man says to her.

"Selfish?" Naomi asks incredulously.

"Yes, selfish. You are only thinking about yourself and you're only looking at this from your obscured point of view. You need to hear Mellissa out. She really wants to get to know you. And you owe her that chance, she is your mother," He says to her.

Stunned, Naomi could only stare at the man wide-eyed. "The audacity of you two!" She exclaims raising her hands in the air in frustration. 

"You listen to me!" She says pointing her finger at the man. "You and your wife need to stay the hell away from me. I want absolutely nothing to do with either of you. I owe Mellissa nothing - The two of you need to get that through your heads. And she sure as hell is not my mother!"
With that Naomi goes to move away from the man, only for him to place his hands on her shoulder again, stopping her from walking away.

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