Chapter 65

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Y/n's POV

"Earthland wizards are a fortunate lot indeed. They posscess unimaginable power because they are pborn with an eternal spring of magic. Then they are the dragon slayers, your powers surpasses even the most absurd concept of limitaion. That power will belonig to me with it I can replenish this world's supply." The king laughed. The five of us were on the ground looking up at the robot the king was in. "It looks like you weren't able to live up to your namesake. As long as I possess the Doma Anim, I am god. My army will pave a path ofconquest in both worlds! I will reign surpeme!" The king shouted. I growled as I managed to push myself up to my hands and knees while dad did the same. "I see some fight left in you! Your power is truly remarkable and I shall savour every ounce of it! Prepare yourselves dragon slayers!" The king shouted. The king sword the robot's sword as magic hit us fgrom below knocking us into the air. We all landed apart from each other as the king just looked down at us. 

I could hear dad groaning as he laid on the ground. "I need more. I call to thee o heaven and earth. I ask you relinquish all your magic to the Dorma Anim." The king said. I could feel the magic leaving the ground and air as it gathered around the Dorma Anim. "To feel it, the last remenants of Edolas' power are vanishing. That means your time is up, I must harvest your power immediately. "Salamander, you gotta roar. You too kids." Gajeel said.

"All of us at the same time?" Wendy asked.

"There's no sense of holding back. We've got to take down this walking scrap heap. Are ya ready?" Gajeel asked, standing up. 

"Ready!" I shouted, standing up. The five of us stood up gathering all the magic we could into our Dragon Roar spells before firing it at the Dorma Anim. Our attack flew towards the Dorma Anim as the king raised his shield to try and stop our attack, but as it landed the  combined spells caused a massive explosion. We stood there looking at the dust cloud that had formed. "We got 'em." Gajeel said.

The king started laughing before we looked up once dad pointed out where the laugh was coming from. "How did something so big jump that high?" Gajeel asked. 

"Our five on one attack didn't even hit him." Dacoda said.

"Then we'll try it again!" Dad shouted.

"You fools! Dragon knight infusino canon!" The king shouted, using the weapons from the robot to attack. All five of us were hit by the attack while the king continued laughing before he landede. "For the world! For my deloved Edolas! You worms couldn't possibly understand our plight. You have an abundance of the one thing we desire most. The citizens have no use for guilds, they would serve no purpose here. What they need is everlasting magic power and I'm determined to give it to my people. I want them to experience the bliss you Earthlanders kept for yourselves." The king said.

"Not good. I'm out of power." Gajeel said.

"Finally reached your limits have you?" The king asked. Dad was out of breath while I tried to push myself off the ground again. "You may be powerful wizards, but I imagine ittakes time for you to recover the magic power you've exhausted. If you wish to surrender this is your chance. Agree to supply my world with magic pwoer and I will compenstate you accordingly." The king said. I looked at dad who was still managing to move some before feeling some strength forming inside me again. "Don't you dare give up! No! This fight ain't over! What you waiting for! Hit me with your best shot! Do it! I'm standing right here!" Dad shouted, standing up. 

"With pleasure! I've let you pests scurry around long enough!" THe king shouted. He raised the Dorma Anim's left foot and went to stomp on dad, but dad stopped it before I got to my feet. "What are you doing? You can't stop him you're both out of power." Gajeel said.

"No we're not!" I shouted, rushing over as dad was pushed to his knees. I got under the foot with him and starting pushing against it with all the strength I could find. "If we run out of power today, we'll just borrow some from tomorrow!" Dad shouted. Dad and I started gorlwing as we managed to push the Dorma Anim's foot back knocking it to the ground. "Don't ever underestimate the dragon slayers! Got it?" Dad shouted.

"You need to learn your place you pieces of filth!" The king shouted. He shot another attack at us knocking dad and I into the air. "I am the king of Edolas bow down before me!" The king demanded. While dad and I flew through the air I saw Gajeel and Dacoda falling towards the Dorma Anim. "You're the one who's going to learn yourplace old man." Gajeel started.

"Because in the end it'll be on your knees!" Dacoda finished, as the two of them locked the Dorma Anim's feet to the ground. 

"What happened?" THe king asked.

"We've locked your feet, pull that jumping crap again and youjust might lose them." Gajeel said.

"Curse you!" The king said.

"Come on Salamander! You and that daughter of yours are the only ones left and it's up to you two!" Gajeel shouted.

"Babe! Roar at the two of us with everything you've got left!" I shouted to Wendy. Wendy looked up at me confused before dad demanded that she just do it. Wendy got to her feet before gathering the last of her magic as dad and I fell in fornt of her. Once her roar hit us we used it to boost our speed rushing towards the Dorma Anim. "Fire Dragon/ Water Dragon: Sword Horn!" Dad and I shouted. The two of us pireced the Dorma Anim's body leaving a massive hole in it's body. Dad had manage dto grab the king before throwing him to the ground while the Dorma Anima crashed behind us blewing up in the process. Dad and I got to our knees and looked at the king growling slightly. The king looked at us scared before looking around at the others. "Someone! Please help me!" The king begged, looking terrified. I heard dad laugh a little before lookinga t him with a smile. "We totally took down the king! This is the part where I get to say checkmate, right?" Dad cheered.

"Actually I think you're supposed to say that before you take down the king." Wendy said.

"Just let him have his moment." I sighed. The ground beneath us started shaking as we looked around to see what was going on. "Great, enemy reinforcements? I hope not, I used up everything I had left in that fight." Gajeel said.

"Same here." Dacoda said.

"No up there! Look!" Wendy said, looking towards the sky. We all looked up seeing the floating islands that filled the sky of Edolas were beginning to fall towards the ground below. "The floating islands are falling. What the heck?" Dad asked. The islands were beginning to crash into the ground as we watched. I could feel the magic coming from the ground was floating into the sky. "It's pure magic power." Wendy said.

"Are you sure?" Dad asked.

"This ain't good." Dacoda said.

"What'll happen if it all disappears?" Gajeel asked.

"What you're seeing right now is what'll happen." I said. 

"I think we should head back to the royal city." Wendy suggested.

"Any particular reason?" Dad asked.

"If the citizens started panicking a lot of people could get hurt. We need to go out there and see if there's some way we can help." Wendy said.

"Yeah, if we could find this world's me he might know what to do." Gajeel said. The five of us started rushing towards the royal city trying to think of some way to help them. 

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