Chapter 47

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Y/n's POV

We were standing at the top of the tower, trying to figure out how to stop Nirvana from moving. "So, if there isn't a pilot's seat or control panel, what are we going to do?" Happy asked.

"Destroy it, of course." Papa said.

"I can't wait to get started." I said, rubbing my hands together.

"Leave it to us to destroy a city." Mama said.

"Not to sound pessimistic or anything, but that's a pretty tall order." Gray said.

"We have two dragon slayers here with enough power to destroy this place." I said. 

"Before that, we should find out if Brain knows how to stop Nirvana." Jura suggested.

"I don't think that brute would share such information with us." Carla said.

"She's right." Sapphire agreed.

"If he won't tell us, maybe Jellal will know." Wendy whispered, before gasping a little. I figured she was still worried about what papa might do to Jellal if we find him. "Think of something that'll help?" Gray asked. Wendy turned away from Gray and mama putting her hands together. "Well, I'm not sure, but it may be the best option we have, so I'll do my best to find it." Wendy said. Wendy turned to head off to find whatever she was looking for. "Take Y/n with you. She's got a nose for things just like Natsu." Mama said. Wendy stopped and looked at me before I nodded. "Sounds good to me. Just be careful." I said. The two of us took off, with Carla and Sapphire following behind us. "Guess we're looking for Jellal?" I asked.

"Yeah, sorry if that upsets you." Wendy said. As we exited the tower, there was a massive explosion. Wendy gasped before stopping and looked back. "Wendy, we need to keep going. I know you're worried, but they can easily take care of themselves." I said. Wendy nodded before we took off flying around, searching for Jellal. After searching from the air for a while, Carla was starting to lose her grip on Wendy, so we landed to continue our search on foot. Both Wendy and Carla kneeled down to rest while I stayed standing. "Honestly, I'm a little nervous about finding him. He seems to have a different scent than before." Wendy said.

"Remember, we discussed how there might somehow be two Jellals while it doesn't make any sense or say that it's true? It's possible." I reminded.

"Exactly, which is why we can't let that distract us from completing our goal. If we can find him, then we may be able to stop Nirvana from moving." Carla said. Sapphire and I nodded in agreement before we took off running. I trusted Wendy's nose as she led the way, following Jellal's scent. As I was following Wendy, I noticed that big sis' scent was coming from the same direction. We eventually flew back into the air with Carla, always needing breaks more often. "I'm sorry for pushing you like this. I know it must be hard to carry me around." Wendy apologized.

"Don't fret about it." Carla said.

"Carla just needs to work on improving her grip strength." Sapphire teased.

"Sapphire!" I said, almost scolding her.

"No she's right. If we're to travel like this more often it's best if I improve my strength." Carla said.

"Those mountains look pretty familiar, don't they?" Wendy asked. I looked over the city seeing the mountains getting closer with each step Nirvana took. "I'm afraid we're getting dangerously close, child. Why does this ancient city have to be so sprawling? It's like looking for a needle in a haystack." Carla said.

"What do we do? I'm getting scared. What's going to happen if we're not able to find him in time." Wendy asked. I rested my hand on her head. "Papa and I made a promise. And we'll never go back on it. Just believe in us okay." I said. 

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