Chapter 42

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Y/n's POV

"Jellal? I don't understand." Wendy asked. 

"That guy is bad news. What's he doing here?" Happy asked.

"He's powerful Happy. Of course they want to bring him into the fold." I stated.

"What are you two talking about? Do you know him too?" Wendy asked.

"We're not friends with him. He tried to kill me, Erza, Y/n, and a bunch of other people. He's the one who got the Magic Council to fire the Etherion Canon." Happy explained.

"He was trying to revive Zeref by using big sis as a sacrifice." I explained.

"I know. I heard about that." Wendy said. I looked at her and saw the look on her face. She clearly experienced something else with Jellal compared to what we did. "I thought he was ancient history." Happy said.

"Happy!" I shouted. He looked at me before I shook my head. Happy quieted down before Brain started talking. "He is indeed. A shell haunted by a restless ghost, full of miserable ideals. He's also the man who's given you the greatest gift." Brain said, looking at Wendy.

"What? He did? What does that mean?" Happy asked, looking up at Wendy.

"This is your opportunity to return the favor and revive him." Brain said.

"Don't do it. Don't do what this guy says!" Happy shouted.

"Happy! Shut up for a minute, please." I said.

"But..." Happy started before turning to see me. He saw that I was serious about him being quiet for a minute. "Wendy." I said, getting her attention. She didn't look at me for a second before eventually turning towards me. "I understand. Please save him. He's a good friend if you want to save him." I said. Wendy smiled as a tear fell down her cheek. "Are you refusing?" Brain asked, pulling a knife out. He stabbed next to Jellal's head as Wendy begged him not to. "Hey! Quit it, old man. Otherwise, this can go a lot worse." I threatened. Brain scowled as he looked at me. Happy continued to tell Wendy that she shouldn't revive Jellal. "But I have to. I wouldn't even be here without him." Wendy said. Happy was confused and looked at her. I watched as more tears started falling down her face. "He was so kind to me. I've heard all those horrible stories about what he did, but I don't believe them." Wendy said.

"I swear he did. Me and Y/n were there." Happy started.

"He's not the kind of person who could do that!" Wendy said, getting emotional.

"Happy! Stop talking!" I shouted. Happy finally covered his mouth as Wendy was fighting with herself over what to do. "Wendy listen to me. Go revive him, even if he was bad once that doesn't mean he will be again." I said. Wendy nodded and asked for some time to think about reviving Jellal. Wendy was given five minutes to think about reviving Jellal as she came over and sat next to me. "Are you sure it's okay? Won't you get in trouble for letting me revive him?" Wendy asked. 

"Who cares? He's clearly a good friend to you and who knows maybe he'll be my friend one day." I said.

"Happy! Wendy!" Someone shouted. I turned towards the cave's entrance knowing that papa was now here. "Racer intercept them." Brain ordered.

"Gladly boss." Racer said, dashing off with his magic.

"Miserable fools. Time is up." Brain said. Wendy kissed my cheek and smiled before getting up. "Thank you for believing in me." Wendy said. I nodded and smiled as she stepped up towards Jellal. I watched from where I was tied up as Wendy getting her magic ready. Papa was calling for us as Wendy revived Jellal. "I'm sorry. Forgive me." Wendy apologized, as she started crying. Papa arrived at the cave's entrance as Jellal stood up awake for the first time in a while. "Jellal." Papa said. Wendy kept apologizing for doing what she did as I gathered all my strength and broke the rope they used to tie me up. "I see, that's why you could make so many threats. You knew you'd be able to break the ropes that bound you to that stone." Brain said.

"Of course, why do you think I'd threaten anyone in a top dark guild without hesitation." I said, kneeling at Wendy's side. I started to try and calm her down as I heard Carla scolding her. "Carla, please stop she did this to protect her friend and me." I said. Wendy ended up passing out as I caught her. Papa went in for the attack against Jellal, but was stopped by Jella's magic spell. Papa was sent into a wall as I protected Wendy in case Jellal tried to attack her. "Thankfully your condition hasn't dimished your power." Brain said before being attacked and blasted with a spell from Jellal. Happy checked on Natsu while Jellal just walked out of the cave not paying any attention to me and the others. "Alright. Let's rock! Bring it on." Papa said. I smiled happy to see that he was still ready to fight. "He just left." Carla pointed out.

"That coward." Papa said.

"I know the two of you have some kind of history, but our first priority should be taking Wendy back to the others as soon as possible." Carla stated. I heard papa growl as he looked towards the cave's entrance. "You do want to save your friend, don't you?" Carla asked.

"Man I hate that guy!" Papa shouted, letting off some magic.

"Come on papa, let's head back." I said. I grabbed Wendy and Carla grabbed onto my shirt before taking off. As we were flying back to the others I smelled Gray and Racer before looking down and seeing them below us. Racer jumped towards us using his magic to move behind us before kicking us in the back. Carla and Happy dropped me and papa, I curled up around Wendy as we landed on the ground with me taking the full brunt of the fall. "Y/n!" Papa shouted. I gave a thumbs up before getting up. "Take Carla, Happy and Wendy and get out of here." Papa said. I nodded and started running away from the fight. "Got 'em?" Papa asked.

"Hurry, I said I can handle this guy all by myself." Gray said.

"I don't know, I can tell your burned through a bunch of your power." Papa said.

"I'm going." I said, turning and running in the opposite direction of Racer. Papa clearly wasn't happy that we had to leave Gray behind before following after me. 

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