Chapter 44

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Y/n's POV

We were still running after papa before finding him on a raft with Gray. Papa was having a hard time with his motion sickness like normal before we saw Gray form a giant piece of ice to stab papa with. "Open, gate of the archer. Sagittarius." Mama said. Sagittarius appeared before mama ordered him to fire an arrow at the ice. He followed her order and shattered the ice with his arrows. "Alright, come out!" Gray shouted, firing ice spears at us. Sagittarius fired more arrows at the ice spears, shattering those as well, stopping Gray's attacks. "Mind telling me what the hell you're doing?" Mama asked. 

"It looks obvious to me." Happy said. I looked at Gray as I felt Wendy's hand tighten on my. "We'll be okay, but something isn't right about Gray." I said.

"It looked to be we foiled his foul play." Sagittarius said.

"Nice shot Lucy." Papa said, before getting even more motion sick.

"I know you're motion sick right now, but watching you nearly puke after saying my name is killing my self-esteem." Mama complained, clearly upset about what papa did.

"Shall I shoot him?" Sagittarius asked.

"What's the matter with you Gray? You're taking this way too far!" Happy said.Gray told us to back off and said that he'd deal with us once he was done with papa. Mama was worried about if Nirvana changed Gray to the dark side. "Now that I think about it, Gray wasn't wearing his hoodie when we last saw him." I said. Happy charged in, but ended up being frozen in a sphere of ice. "Are you sure?" Wendy asked. I nodded. "Okay, go protect them. I'll be okay." Wendy said. I nodded before hearing Gray talking about Happy before talking about mama. "Oh, she's a celestial wizard?" Gray said. He used his ice magic again, launching an attack towards mama. I jumped in front of mama and knocked the attack away from us. "You're not the Gray we know. Not only are you casting his magic wrong, but you're also wearing the hoodie he had off when I last saw him." I said.

"Drop the act." Hibiki said.

"What are you two saying?" Mama asked.

"Who the heck are you?" Mama asked. Gray started laughing before a puff of smoke surrounded Gray before it cleared and mama was standing on the raft with papa. "Me?" Mama asked. 

"You've got to be kidding me. You're not fooling anyone. We know you're not the real one. Why don't you show us your real form?" Hibiki said.

"Oh, I'll show you and I think you'll find I'm every bit as real as that bimbo." The fake mama said. The fake mama reached down, grabbing the bottom of her tank top as I focused on the water in front of the raft. As the fake mama raised her tank top, I made a small geyser from the river water, blocking her from showing anyone mama's body. "Thank you sweetie." Mama said. I turned and nodded looking at her. "Sure thing. I don't want Hibiki or anyone else thinking something weird with mama's body." I said.

"I know exactly which key's you're carrying. Listen up Sagittarius, take them out." Fake mama said. I turned back seeing Sagitarrius aiming towards Hibiki and fire his arrows at him. Hibiki managed to block some of the shots, but was still hit by some. "What are you doing?" Mama asked.

"I thought you only took orders from Lucy." Carla said.

"It tis not I, my body is out of control." Sagittarius said.

"I see what's going on. Since you're a copy of mama her spirits will take orders from you." I said.

"Wow, I've got one smart daughter." Fake mama said.

"I'm not your daughter." I growled. Sagitarrius was aiming towards mama and Hibiki again. "Y/n! Wendy! Get out of here." Mama shouted. 

"I can only carry one person." Carla said. I sniffed the air before smiling and looking at Carla. "It's a good thing someone I know finally woke up from her nap." I said. I raised my hand into the air before feeling Sapphire grab my hand and pulling me into the air. "Nice to see you're awake." I said, looking up at Sapphire.

"You just had to leave me behind." Sapphire complained.

"Look not my fault, papa ran off and we tried to give chase and get him back." I explained. Carla and Wendy came flying up next to us. "Let's find somewhere safe to land and we can figure out our next move." Carla said. 

"Yeah, that's for the best. We'll also be out of the way of the fights that are going on." I said. We flew around for a minute or two before finding a small ledge where we could rest and recover some. "We'll be safe here for a bit." I said, looking around. Wendy sat down next to Carla and Sapphire before I sat down next to her. "I don't think I should've joined the alliance." Wendy said.

"What makes you say that?" I asked, looking out over the forest.

"I'm the reason why Jellal is healed and now Nirvana is released." Wendy said.

"What did I tell you about Jellal?" I asked.

"That he might not be bad after being revived." Wendy answered.

"Exactly, we'll figure out what to do later. Right now just focus on the light in the world." I said.

"Still we just left Lucy and the others to fight, shouldn't we have stayed?" Wendy asked.

"Mama's stronger than you think, plus I doubt that fake could take her down." I said.

"You'd only be in the way if you stayed to help fight." Carla said. I looked at Carla who had a look of you know I'm right on her face. "Hey Sapphire, I think Carla's a little cold. Would you share your scarf with her?" I asked. Sapphire nodded and used some of her scarf to keep Carla quiet. "See I shouldn't have come." Wendy said.

"If you hadn't come big sis wouldn't be okay. I might've been able to heal her a little, but only you could've fully saved her." I said.

"But Nirvana was still found because of me." Wendy said.

"I don't see how that's your fault. You only healed Jellal, he's the one who released the power of Nirvana. Also who is he to you? I mean I know he's a good friend, but how'd he save you?" I asked.

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