Chapter 45

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Y/n's POV

"I met Jellal seven years ago. Right after the sky dragon, Grandeeney left." Wendy said. She laid her head on my shoulder as she continued. "He found me alone and scared and wandering aimlessly." Wendy said. I started imagining her story as she continued talking. She told me about how Jellal showed up. "That's how we met. He said he was alone too and asked if I wanted to join him on his journey." Wendy said. I could feel a few tears forming in my eyes as I listened to her story. "We traveled together from that day forward. We didn't know where we were going, but I don't think we really cared." Wendy said. Imagining Jellal as a nice person was a good feeling for me. Something about it just seemed to make sense. The more she talked about him, the more I started to understand that the Jellal I had fought had a different story to his childhood. "One day he started acting strange." Wendy said. Some concern grew inside before she told me that Jellal had to leave her. She told me how they had planned to separate once they reached a guild that they were close to, even if she didn't want to leave him.

"When we got beyond the forest, he left me with the Cait Shelter guild. I've been there ever sense." Wendy said.

"I'm sorry to hear that, but with that story, I think I know what might be going on." I said.

"What do you mean?" Wendy asked.

"Don't get me wrong, I have no proof of this theory, but what if there are two Jellals somehow?" I suggested.

"Two Jellals?" Wendy asked. All three of them were looking at me. "The Jellal I had fought, which is the one that you healed. Was supposedly in the Tower of Heaven when this happened. Papa knew Erza when after Igneel left him. That could mean that somehow there are two Jellals that exist." I said.

"That would explain why the one I know wouldn't do anything like the one you know." Wendy said, realizing it.

"But how is that possible?" Wendy asked.

"You said that while you were traveling with him that he started acting weird and said the word Anima, right?" I asked. Wendy nodded. "Then there's something that your Jellal knows about, which might explain why there are two." I said.

"Maybe that would explain why he didn't remember me or anything like that." Wendy said. I nodded. We looked over, seeing the pillar of light that was coming from Nirvana. "It looks like the black has vanished from the pillar of light." Carla said.

"Is that a good or a bad sign for us?" Wendy asked. 

"I bet it's a bad sign." I said. We started heading back to meet up with everyone else, but the light started getting brighter behind us. "What's going on?" I asked looking back.

"I think it's getting worse." Wendy said.

"Quickly you two, we must get to safety." Carla and Sapphire said. We started running, but as we did the ground below us was starting to shake as giant legs sprouted out of the ground. The four of us were knocked into the air, but Carla grabbed Wendy while Sapphire grabbed me and took off. "That was way too close." I said.

"Look over there." Wendy said, pointing something out. 

"What is it? Could that be? Nirvana?" Carla asked. We flew by a giant hole in the body of the ground that raised up from below. "This has to be Nirvana." I growled. As we were flying above everyone I saw a dust cloud moving across one of the legs of Nirvana. I smiled as I felt that it was papa. "Looks like we've got some back up." I said, smiling at Wendy. Nirvana started moving and taking steps with it's giant legs. "Where's it going?" I asked.

"It sounds like a monster roaring." Wendy said.

"Where should we land?" Sapphire asked.

"Let's see if our group has landed anywhere." I suggested.

"Sorry, but can we land now?" Carla asked. I looked back and saw how exhausted she was. "Yeah, let's do that." I said. We found an area to land at and landed before Carla and Sapphire released their transformation magic and caught their breath. "I'm sorry that was probably so hard, I wish I could help some other way." Wendy said, looking at Carla.

"It's no matter child. We're here and mostly in one piece. Now that we've arrived what is it that you two plan to do." Carla asked, looking between me and Wendy. Wendy looked away from Carla. "We'll beat them! That's the only thing that we need to do now." I said, cracking my knuckles. 

"Wendy's planning to look for Jellal." Carla pointed out. Wendy looked at me worried about what I'd say, but I just smiled at her. "That's okay, but we should take down Nirvana first." I said. 

"Thank you for understanding, but I agree we need to do something about Nirvana first." Wendy said. Carla was happy about Wendy's choice before Carla looked scared about something. "What's going on?" I asked. 

"Carla? Is something wrong?" Wendy asked. Carla got up and started walking towards the edge of Nirvana. "I don't know. I could be wrong... Please don't tell me it's going where I think it is." Carla said.

"What do you mean? Where do you think it's going?" Wendy asked, jogging up to her. I followed behind her and looked out over the edge of Nirvana. "If it continues to travel on the course it's on now it will trample over the current home of where the Cait Shelter is." Carla said. I realized what she meant as I looked at her. "Are you sure?" I asked. Carla looked at me and clearly she wasn't sure. "Where's the Cait Shelter guild hall?" I asked, looking over the ground below.

"Y/n you can't! I know what you're thinking and doing that stunt might actually kill you." Sapphire yelled.

"Who cares! I have to try something." I said. I went to jump off the edge, but Wendy stopped me.

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