Chapter 36

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A/n: I know this chapter is short, but I'm trying to get back into this story.

Wendy's POV

"So she's a bigger sister to you?" I asked.

"Yeah, she's the best." Dacoda said. 

"That's good to hear. I should get going, though." I said.

"Really? What about Y/n?" Dacoda asked.

"She'll be fine. I'm sure I can trust her little brother to look after her." I said. He nodded, and I stood up. "Thanks for the fun we had today." I said. 

"Yeah, it was nice meeting you." Dacoda said. I smiled and nodded before heading to the door.

Dacoda's POV

I looked at Y/n, who was sleeping before hearing some kind of explosion coming from outside. I got up and looked out the window, seeing clouds surrounding Kardia Cathedral. "What's going on?" Y/n asked.

"I'm not sure. It looks like thunder clouds are surrounding Kardia." I said. Y/n sniffed the air before smiling about something. "Smells like papa's taking care of it." Y/n said. I nodded before seeing flames hit something. The thunder clouds cleared up before Y/n sat up. "Are you sure you should sit up?" I asked. She just shrugged before standing up. 

Y/n's POV

"Where's Wendy?" I asked.

"She had something else to do, so she left you in my care." Dacoda said. I nodded and stretched some to feel a little better. "I still think that you shouldn't be up." Dacoda said. I shrugged and got a glass of water before feeling better. "Come on let's go to the guild to see what happened." I said. Dacoda sighed and nodded following me out the door. As we walked to the guild I stumbled a few times but Dacoda was there to catch me and helped me finish walking towards the guild. When we got to the guild everyone was putting bandages on each other before I saw mama helping put bandages on papa. "Thank for the help getting here Dacoda." I said. He just nodded before I stopped leaning on him. I walked over to mama and looked at her. "What happened?" I asked. Mama explained what Laxus did and how he forced everyone to fight each other.

I smelled his scent coming from the entrance and headed in that direction. When I got to the entrance I saw him walking up. "I heard what happened." I said.

"Yeah, what does it matter to you?" Laxus asked.

"It doesn't really, but I get why you did this." I said.

"Why's that?" Laxus asked.

"It was to make us stronger." I answered. Laxus just grumbled before walking closer to me. "I see you lost a fight." I said.

"So what?" He asked.

"How does it feel to lose again?" I asked.

"Terrible, but it makes me realize that maybe the guild is stronger than it seemed." Laxus said.

"You're right about that. There's one thing I want to know though. Are we friends now?" I asked, holding my hand out. Laxus smirked before grabbing my hand and shaking it. "We are, but I'm probably going to be expelled from the guild for what I did." Laxus said.

"That's what happens when you go against the master's wishes." I said. He nodded before walking past me. "You're dad is one great dragon slayer." He said.

"Yeah, you should probably recognize him for fighting so well." I said. He headed inside as I just stood there and shook my head. "Feeling better?" Sapphire asked. I nodded as I looked inside seeing Laxus give papa a thumbs up for what he did. Everyone was upset with Laxus before big sis told him where Gramps was. I headed back inside and saw everyone upset at big sis for telling him where Gramps was. After a few hours I was completely better before I went and said goodbye to Laxus. The Thunder Leigon was a little shocked to see me saying goodbye to Laxus. The rest of the day we were preparing for the parade that Fairy Tail was putting on. I was dressed up as a dragon and put on the stage with auntie Mira and Elfman. 

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