Bitter test coated my tongue, as the same old faltering knot itched my cells, jesting about my delicate emotions. My lower lip trembled as the tears again accumulated in my eyes. The girl was so beautiful that she almost reminded me of Paris. He seemed quite comfortable around her and even gave her his rare and charming smirk.

"What the fuck am I going to do?" I whispered, looking at my pathetic reflection. I ran my eyes over my outfit, winching in emotional pain.

Every single fucking thing is reminding of him.

"Pull it together. You had it coming." I endeavoured, encouraging my shredded confidence. I huffed and slapped my cheeks. I glanced at the mirror for the last time and walked out. The moment I got out, I was graced with Ryan's tensed presence. He folded his arms on chest firmly. A heavy frown clouded his face as he stared at me behind his glasses.

"Is everything ok, Ana?" He strode  towards me and held me by my arms.

"I am fine." I tried to smile and nodded my head.

"You can tell me. It's ok, you know?" A small smile adorned his lips as a soft gaze warms me.

"Remove your hands before I break them."

Before I could reply to him a low but grumpy tone spoke in a dangerous aura. A shiver slithered down to the spine when his voice sank in my bone. I cast my eyes towards his way and immediately my legs went jello when his hunting eyes met mine.

Alex's eyes weren’t me if I say particularly because It was fixed on Ryan's hands on my arms. I don’t know why but fear clutched me, wrapping a metaphorical rope around my neck while choking me.

"I said, Remove. Your. Fucking. Hands." Erring air surrounded us when Alex commenced taking slow steps towards me and Ryan.

"What if I don’t want to?" Ryan threw the line at Alex's face, making my eyes bulged out. The shy and silent Ryan wasn’t there anymore. He was replaced by an angry man who refused to listen to a dominated man. Actually, Ryan is standing up like a man without fear and vacillation.

"Don’t blame me then." Alex's lips curved into a sadistic smile, wrenching my gut. His hands fisted tightly, whitening his knuckles. And I know what was about to happen.

Before Alex could walk and plant a punch on Ryan I pushed Ryan and practically hid him behind me. Alex came in a halt as he narrowed his dark clouded eyes.

Now he is super angry.

"Stop this." I said in a firm tone.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Alex roared and that followed by a humorless laughter. I wouldn’t call it just a simple laughter. It was sinister in every possible way. He gets this maniac look whenever he gets angry and not to mention when he gets over possessive . I don’t understand his obsession over me. He made it clear as daylight that I mean nothing to him. Unless we are talking about our contract.

He acted the same way when he met Ian for the first time. He practically claimed me like a lover. Not physically but mentally.

But I had enough. Enough illusion and daydream that only plunked me with knives and wielded a sword straight penetrated inside my chest. I would be the one to remove it then and mend my wound and live with scars.

"Ryan, thanks for your concern and care. I'll meet you out there." I turned around and said to Ryan, smiling softly. His face was red and it seems like he was all set to get in a fight with Alex. His hard glare turned water, replacing a tender touch.

"Ana, I......"

"I will be fine. He is just angry. He will come around." I reasoned like a good girlfriend and I know somehow Ryan knew I was endeavouring to bring peace.

"Ana, let me help you." Ryan almost whined as his frustrated gaze desperately scanned me.

"In the future, of course but not now. I will be fine." I reiterated the same line again, keeping my voice as soft as possible.

Ryan went silent. His jaw was set hard as he stared at me and then he stormed out from the hall, leaving me with the Devil himself. Not before sparing an ugly glare at Alex which Alex returned with a similar expression. I have to say, Ryan is a hella bold guy. He looks like a silence man with a soft smile on his lips. Guess what, I failed to recognise his one part.

"Are you done?" Alex's low jesting voice was thrown on me like thousands of arrows.

"Actually, yes." I stated, looking in his eyes.

"And how so.."

"I want to break it up."

I cut him off before he could finish his other mockery of me. It would be a wise decision to make. I am tired of being hurt by him and then liking him one time again going back hating him another time. The time might be small but we are circling in the same circle over and over again.

Me daydreaming about him.

Him shadowing me with his protective behaviour.

And then we fight.

My delusion gets destroyed and I commence hating him.

Same old shit.

He narrowed his angry eyes on me, stealing my breath. He clenched his jaw  and commenced taking lethargic steps towards me like a panther.

"Come again." He dared, confiscating the gap between us.

"I want to end our arrangement." I said softly as my heart burnt with raw pain.

The more I look at him, the picture of him with that girl slaps me ten times harder.

"What did I told you before, Ana? Did you forget everything?" He growled invading in my space as he cornered me slowly. I followed his plan and started stepping back. The head spinning scent flamed my body, making me inhale him secretly. His six feet tall body was mounting over me as if he is a monster that is preparing me to sacrifice, before that he just wants to toy with me.

What are you talking about Alex?

The part where you forced me to be with you or the part where you claimed me as yours?

Voices asked him without uttering words in my head, as I stared at his enthralling handsome and enraged face.

"It's suffocating me. I never liked being forced." I answered the second thought or more like an excuse that is not true.

I wasn’t suffocating but surely he was stealing my breath, slowly and at the end of the day I will be left with emptiness.

"And which part is suffocating you, huh?" He asked through his teeth. He titled his head, angling his head to get a better look on my face.

The part where you fell in the arms of another woman.

It's my own heart who is suffocating me, Alex.

Not you.

Frustration built in me as my sentiments commenced driving me at the edge. I want to scream at him and hit him, asking for answers. I want to ask him who the hell was he with. Who was the girl when we had a deal that we won't take any lover.

But again, I stopped those thoughts. If I act upon my emotions then I will just embarrass myself. I clearly don’t possess any claim on him. He was never mine or meant to be.

"Everything." I looked into his eyes and murmured.

The blazing fire died in his eyes as he blinked in confusion. He took a few steps back as my heart cracked at his actions. Peculiar emotions roared inside me, clawing me as pain sizzling in my soul. And before I could grace my hungry eyes more with his presence he walked out from the hall.

Al the love

Hope you liked it. Please share your thoughts. Your feedback inspires me to write.

Lark Den

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