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It was just like Harvest.He was the one with those wicked bat-like hellish wings or whatever, my eyebrows arched, and that freaky power. He was the one who teleported places and knew things about me he pretended he didn't. 


I SAT CROSS-LEGGED in the tent, watching as Lira fluffed out a sleeping bag.

There was something off about her, something I couldn't quite place. I would ask, but once again, I was certain I would lose a couple of fingers. Perhaps I would ask after the games, when she had cooled down.

My gaze traveled around the tent. There were two girls chatting quietly in the back, apart from that it was practically empty.

The tent was big enough for at least 6 people to sleep in and lucky for me, Lira had squeezed me into her tent.

"Someone's quiet," she hummed.

I raised an eyebrow at this, and she rolled her eyes, "You know what I mean."

I shrugged, trying to take off my combat boots. Anything to keep my mind off-

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."

My eyebrows arched at this.

Lira sighed, pushing her backpack behind me, "3...2...1..."

A large horn blasted throughout the camp and jolted me awake from my half-asleep demeanor.

"Because of that," Lira huffed, standing up, "C'mon. The last thing we want to do is get on Harvest's bad side. He already seems in a bad mood."

I paused at her statement, and my heartbeat faster. She gave me a hand up and we walked out of the tent.

The sun was now wading out into a bright morning, and I couldn't help but yawn knowing I had gotten a little to no sleep at all.

Soon enough the whole Leviathan Camp had assembled in the center of the camp and holy moly we were a lot.

From my position in the back, I could barely see Harvest out front, even when I tiptoed- Not that I wanted to see him.

I fell back on my heels, staring out at the ground. It was so stupid how I forced myself to tiptoe to just a glimpse of him.

So stupid at how fast my heart was racing at any sign of any boy with similar dark hair. Yes, all this was stupid. I decided to give him a chance to explain himself.

What does he do with my generosity? Throw out the one chance we had to talk things through and whilst I had no quarrel with Omkara, Harvest was supposed to be my partner.

He was the one who commanded me to stick by his side during the practice games and now he was throwing me away to Omkara.

I scoffed at this. It was just like Harvest.

He was the one with those wicked bat-like hellish wings or whatever, my eyebrows arched, and that freaky power. He was the one who teleported places and knew things about me he pretended he didn't.

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