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"Did you take it?!"


I STARED AT the outline that lined the bed in front of me, my ears drinking in the silence as I watched in the shadows.

It felt weird to be spending the night like this, with Daya actually in bed for once. The last time I remembered that happening was the night of my biggest mistake.

My eyebrows creased when I heard small movements coming from her bed, thinking she was waking up but it only turned out to be a slight turn, fluffing her pillow and sighing as she succumbed to her sleep once again.

I frowned at this, turning around to face the ceiling, hands resting on my front, allowing myself to take in quick calming breaths.

There were a lot of things to think about but if anything, guilt plagued my mind. At least I think it was, at this point, it was juggling between fear and guilt.

There was nothing I did wrong, I tried to reason with myself.

I merely returned what was rightfully his, how was I feeling guilty about this?

About taking something from her drawer and giving it to that brute? I breathed out slowly, staring aimlessly at the ceiling that was only illuminated by the straying moonlight.

I had no choice though!

I mean,  if I hadn't brought it to him I didn't even want to think of the consequences.

I didn't want to think about what he was capable of and let's face it, he seemed to be capable of a lot of things.

I swallowed calmly before a thought rang in my mind.

I was going to get what was coming to me when Daya found out I took it.

My heart rammed against my chest, staring momentarily at her silhouette figure in the darkness. Lira had clearly warned me of her and now that I was starting to see certain aspects of her that didn't seem all too 'kind' it was just an overall good idea to stay on her good side as best I could.

Would she suspect that I took it?

I blinked in the darkness, my fists fighting around my bed covers, before turning to face the wall and staring blankly at it.

No, she wouldn't.

I saw the way she looked at me like I was no threat. She had no reason to pair me with Harvest, and for that, I could be spared. I shut my eyes, trying to reel in some sleep and forget about the whole ordeal whilst hoping with all my might nothing bad happened tomorrow.

Upon shutting my eyes, I was disappointed to not be able to go to sleep as quickly as I wanted to, my mind instead re-living in its memories.

The feel of air passing by me so fast as I stood in the open doorway- the scene shifted and his oceanic eyes glanced momentarily at the trinket before taking it off me and walking away. My eyes soon fluttered open after remembering this.

He hadn't said a word to me, not even a good job which I would like to think was the least he could have done, after all, I was risking a lot for a stupid trinket.

Maybe this meant he wouldn't be around me more.

I could not give myself the luxury to think that he wouldn't be watching anymore, but I believe that would be easier to handle than if it had been him following me around.

I cringed at the thought shutting my eyes once more. I hoped he was through with me. I hoped so.


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