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"Tell him to leave before he hurts himself."


I didn't know where to begin or what to say, he was staring at the both of us, a displeased look on his face that I have to say mirrored the word anger.

My heart was beating harshly for some reason, my breathing seemed nonexistent.

"Harvest," Lucas began. His tone sounded a bit surprised, eyebrows furrowing.

He took a step forward, half blocking my view of Harvest as he stood there protectively, folding his arms.

"Why are you here?" he asked, gaze narrowed onto Harvest.

My head simply refused to wrap around my situation.

I didn't know why I was feeling so guilty, or why I felt my body shake. Like I had been caught by Harvest doing something illegal.

Lucas on the other hand was calm and dare I say it- forward about it.

I looked past Lucas' broad shoulders, meeting the gaze of a jaw-hardened Harvest.

He did not look pleased at all, but I failed to understand why.

I figured it was because of Lucas Bowne.

Lira did say they had some sort of bad blood between the two of them, and whilst I could see it now, I didn't know why his anger seemed directed at me.

His heavy gaze momentarily moved from me to Lucas, a tick in his jaw. But didn't say a word directed to him, fierce eyes back on me in a second, a certain threat to them that chilled me to the bone,

"Talanda," he repeated his tone firmer, and just by the way he said my name I knew he wanted me to come.

I glanced at Lucas' side, his gaze still stuck on Harvest, eyebrows furrowed as if he was trying to figure something out.

I knew he was smart, and despite the low chance that he would ever really figure it out, I still didn't want him to know.

But even whilst knowing all this, I found myself frozen until I heard his voice in my head,

"Come here-' it ordered.

I breathed out lowly, bravely moving forward but Lucas' arm caged in front of me, stopping me from proceeding further,

"You can't force her to go with you, Harvest." Lucas scoffed, straightening out, his posture.

Harvest's eyes suddenly snapped to him and for a second I saw a side of him I had never seen when he softly chuckled at Lucas' words, fingers fisting and unfisting, eyes trailing off him for only a moment,

"How dare you, Lucas," he calmly said, amusement in his eyes, the name rolling off his tongue in a flawless threat.

Lucas' eyebrows furrowed, with a low huff, "How dare me what?" he mocked.

"Try to keep her from me," Came Harvest's dead reply, his tone changing in a second.

Lucas' gaze narrowed on him, a scoff like a growl emitting from his lips.

"She's not something you can own, she's not your property," he merely stated and I couldn't help but side with him on this, evidently Harvest was out of his mind, I don't know what was wrong with him, making it sound like he owned me as if that could-

"I believe we've had this conversation before," Harvest replied, his accent thick on the words which made him sound more intimidating. a hand slipping into his coat pocket casually, as if he was only talking facts, "and I told you she belongs to me," he finished, eyes snapping to his and finding his gaze already there locking me in as if daring me to do anything against his statement.

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