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Miss Akhana Amir teaches blues?"


"CLOSE YOUR MOUTH pumpkins, or you're going to swallow a fly," Lira commented lazily, then suddenly paused as if thinking it over, "which would be epic on my part...You know what? Go ahead and keep 'em open for me. I want to see something."

Claire immediately slammed her mouth shut whilst I blinked myself out of my lofty haze, gulping down a full glass of water I had requested earlier, still unable to come to terms with Mr. Ogustus's previous scandalized notion of me potentially being surrounded by demi-gods.


I must have died in the crash and woken up in an alternative reality. I was sure of it. I choked down another glass and I must have done so too quickly, because, in the next second, I was choking pathetically, slapping my chest eagerly to relieve the burning feeling as the water hit a reverse whoa when it was halfway down my throat, making its way up my windpipe.

Coughing and splattering all over the place it was Claire's frantic rescuing back pats that helped me calm down whilst Lira gingerly took away the glass from my shaking grip, placing it on the study table she was seated before.

I took in a deep breath trying to replace the oxygen I had lost in my bid for survival.

Lira turned slightly in her seat, one elbow over the back of the chair with an amused look on her face as she studied our frames that were seated cross-legged on Clair's bed,

"Newbies," she huffed shaking her head slightly, "so weak even a glass of water can drown 'em," she chuckled, tipping the glass till it rolled on the table, "I take it you finally learned why were called Dilectus?" she grinned, her gaze moving between the two of us interchangeably.

Claire nodded, eyes wide, "Demi-gods," she repeated the exact words that were echoing through my mind.

"Isn't it cool?" Lira asked leaning back with a wide smirk on her features, "who would have thought that in your skinny body would flow the blood of a god?" she grinned, "I on the one hand have always known there was something special about me, I mean the band says it all." she boasted, flashing us her blue band.

"S-so you believe it? You believe this whole Dilectus and Criptus, titans and darkness stuff?" Claire huffed, pulling her knees to her chest, eyes focused on her roommate.

"You would be a fool not to. Mr. Ogustus is your origins teacher, right?' she asked, we both nodded, "I would have killed to have him as ours, but no... instead I got boring stuck-up Carter Solomon-"

"Carter Solomon!" Claire echoed loudly on behalf of both of us.

My eyes were almost leaving their sockets and my ears buried themselves back in my head at the sound of his name.

Carter Solomon.

One of the top five members of Kingsland Superhero elite force the King's Knights. Hair a mild chestnut eyes a burning hazel. He was honestly speaking, one of the most good-looking men that I had ever seen, filled his King's Knights silver outfit well and was the most famously known of the King's Knights, one could even say he led the team of five.

Tall and ridiculously handsome you would think he could shoot laser beams from his eyes, have super strength, fly or maybe even teleport but... he was a nerd in layman's terms.

Yes, it was now proven that nerds had game.

Made it to Forbes list of the top hundred most influential individuals breaking the barrier of the top five. There was no problem, Carter Solomon couldn't solve.

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