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HARVEST STARED ahead; eyes unable to leave the figure of the girl whose very image seemed ingrained in his mind.

He could barely understand what it was John was babbling about beside him. Something about the scouts' report of how the site for the camp had been surveyed and certified safe for set up.

He nodded mindlessly at this, eyebrows arching slightly when Talanda passed by a low-hanging branch that barely grazed her shoulder.

She walked a good length ahead of him and seemed engrossed in something the nerdy yellow was saying to her.

He could barely spot her figure between that of the other Leviathans walking toward the Camp in their different groups, but the glimpses he caught of her were more than enough.

He couldn't understand and hated to admit the pang of jealousy he felt watching the two of them converse.

After all, what made him so different?

Wasn't he the yellow who had mentally burned her alive and sent her to the infirmary teetering between life and death after?

He was a villain in his own right.

Yes... Admittedly, he did not keep the dark secrets that Harvest hid, neither was he a monster-

His jaw clenched at the term, his gaze moving off her figure for a moment. He remembered seeing that thought repeatedly dance around in her mind on that godforsaken night.

That's why it was so easy for her to forgive the hypnotist yellow.

He was a convert. But Harvest was much more than that. A monster in her own words.

How would she ever forgive him? He scoffed at the thought.

Forgiveness was too much to ask of right now.

But her shoving him away to just a shade watching in the shadows, a player on the sidelines, unable to come near, to touch her, even if it was just the soft graze of their fingers, felt like torture of the cruelest kind.

The Mark on his wrist did not seem to help his cause either.

It only amplified the anger, frustration, and even the hurt that had formed inside him. 3 emotions that he had never quite experienced this intense until her.


His dark irritated gaze snapped to the boy beside him, and John froze at its intensity, gulping.

"I-I was asking if you would like to survey the campsite one more time before everyone arrives?"

He paused at this question, feeling out of it, before gazing ahead.

Nodding, his eyes shifted back to John, "I'll go ahead."

John nodded, watching as the Alpha moved through the lines of Leviathans holding their torches as lamps, they marched through the Fareborn forest.

Harvest moved through the groups of teams seamlessly, eyes set on the figure of the girl up ahead.

His heart was a steady beat within him, increasing with every step he drew closer to her until he could see the expressions on her face.

The hypnotist yellow, the one called Omkara was telling her what seemed to be a story about his experience training as a yellow so far.

"2 sessions in, our prime secondary teacher Miss Giselle, teaches us how to cocoon people in their minds, but for starters—she says we as yellows are supposed to be masters of our own minds before we can, manipulate others," he explained.

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