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"Where are we?"


GRAVIS GRINNED AT my question, an activity I realized I would soon have to get used to but for now, made me cringe a little,

"Well now, that's a whole other story," he hummed, adjusting his folded arms slightly, "but you're in luck princess," he chuckled which made my eyebrows furrow at another rare first, "its Story time."

I must have looked confused at this statement, because confusion was the only thing I was feeling at this moment, tugging at the sleeves of my dress momentarily. I watched as he moved toward the door and I realized it was time to leave Mama behind. Approaching the glass, my fingers trailed over its cold surface, staring at her peaceful face, a sadness overtaking me.

"You can visit her whenever you want," his tone came out soft and reassuring.

I nodded noticing the plain blue walls of the room she was in. I should bring her white roses on my next visit, they were her favorite as they were mine, and always made her feel better. She would like that.

Reluctantly stepping back from the glass, I breathed out nervously assuring myself she would be okay, before turning toward Gravis. He patted my back as I walked through the doors, "she's safe,' he reassured, locking the door behind him, the keys safely back at his side.

No one would dare snatch them off his scary frame that was for sure.

He soon paced beside me as we walked down the direction we had come from.

"Talanda," he began and I noticed he didn't use my title but I brushed it aside, never really had liked it anyway. It always reminded me I would be Queen one day and that was the one thing I would like to postpone as long as I could.

"I must tell you that there are things that have been kept away from you, but only because it was for the best, for your safety" he began as we came to a stop in front of two doors, they both opened and I realized this was an elevator, watching him push the top button after we stepped in and the doors closed.

I wasn't surprised at that statement, but I kept my eyes on him. He glanced at me and I looked away, nervously tugging at my sleeves, a habit I usually did whenever I felt a little uneasy or nervous, staring fully ahead at the golden double doors before me as we moved upward.

I knew I was in the dark about a lot of things that went on in the palace and through the kingdom but Dad was slowly letting me in some stuff as I grew, seeing as this year I was going to be allowed to sit by him on the summit until all this happened.

I nodded in understanding and I heard him grunt, glancing up at him as he slowly shook his head.

"These things do not pertain to your kingdom. At least not the one you know of," I looked at him confused as the doors opened. I watched him walk a few steps ahead of me and I followed after him, still wondering where we were going.

Managing to catch up to him pacing beside him, I maintained his proposed silence until we reached large varnished oak, double doors. There was a pad against the wall beside it and he quickly typed in the password. My eyes widened as the door opened, my bare feet stepping into the luscious soft red carpet of the largest office I had ever seen. Its walls were painted red, and a large giant desk at the back, a few filing cabinets, and another door that probably led to a bathroom.

Gravis walked in after me, a smile still wedged onto his face.

He grabbed a remote from the desk and pressed a button. I was expecting to see some sort of tv but the large red curtains that covered almost the whole side of the front swung open, a glass red windowpane revealing itself beneath, making me realize that this office was shaped in some sort of oval.

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