[73.1] REST

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How did she know? Had she seen Lucas and I?


I TURNED OVER in bed, staring out into the empty darkness. It was well past midnight and yet I couldn't sleep. I had returned over an hour ago and Daya wasn't back yet.

I didn't want to think too much about where she could have gone. I couldn't take the smile off my face. I kept thinking about where I had been three hours ago.

It wasn't ideal that I should be thinking too much about it, but I had to admit there had to be some sort of reason why Lucas Bowne had invited me to a place he called his 'special place.'

Was it delusional to think like that?

Maybe he just wanted to talk to me about Harvest- but there surely had to be any other place he could have asked me about that and yet he chose that one.

And also, he was concerned about me. How nice.

Gosh, I was drooling.

I rolled over onto my back, a smile still plastered on my face thinking back to every moment, every look- oh I was hopeless.

And what was worse about this whole situation was the mere fact that I should be trying my best to stay away from Lucas because he was also at the center of attention with him being that good-looking, kind as well as strong, and an original five.

Thanks to him, in just one week alone I had managed to establish my presence in front of every member of the original five, all by bad luck.

I sighed my smile disappearing as I stared up at the ceiling, what the heck was I doing?

It didn't matter that he was nice or good-looking. I had to think of the safety of my family and keeping my secret. Parading around with Original Fives should not even be existent on my bucket list.

I had to be careful around him just as much as I had to be careful around Harvest. Well at least one I could get rid of but the other- I rolled my eyes in the darkness.

Speaking of the devil.

I raised my hand looking at the trinket as it shinned against the stray piece of moonlight that was shown at an angle above my bed.

Sighing, I placed it underneath my pillow staring out into the open darkness over Daya's bed that she should have occupied.

I would have to give this to him soon.

I had already removed any hopes of him finally letting me go after I did this, but I hoped he would forget about me even if it was just for a few days.

Heaven knows I needed it.

I could picture Lucas's eyes when he told me to stay away from him.

He was one of the original Five, so that meant he and Harvest had been on Kingsland for the longest time together. Could it be possible that he also knew what Harvest was capable of?

I felt uncomfortable just thinking about the subject, but even if he didn't know, I think it was incredibly obvious and just common sense that Harvest wasn't someone to mess with and Lucas was right.

I should stay away from him. But it's not like I had a choice, all this was happening because of HIM.

I sighed, pulling my covers closer to me.  I just needed a little rest-I could think about this tomorrow.

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