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"What were you doing with a prime?"


I STARED AT the shadow that lurked before me, missing the streak of moonlight a foot away. I couldn't see his face at all, but his voice was not one to be forgotten. He stepped into the light and I avoided any kind of direct eye contact, a dark rampant beat within me. We all know that never led to anything good. I could feel his eyes on me, dark and as cold as always, no surprise there, but I considered it personal bad luck to meet Hallway Boy here in the gardens.

Had he been following me?

My heart thudded against my chest, staring at the ground until black combat boots came into view and the air around me thickened as if warning me of the presence that was standing hairs breathe away from me.

Oh, heavens above, what did he want with me?!

For goodness' sake, I was just a stupid, naïve little girl that made one little mistake. I was not, I repeat NOT a threat to anybody. ANYONE could see that. I had made myself his target by one stupid decision and now I was once again all alone with him, in the dark.

I was not built for this.

I could feel my eyes sting at the panic that was overtaking me. Alone once again with a Convert, I had gained fear from the moment I lost control of my own body. I never wanted to feel that way again and I hoped he wouldn't do it again this time.

It was just too invasive for my liking and his eyes were not as mesmerizing as I had first thought when we met in the hallways.

Now all they reminded me was a cold prison, or worse still a grave. They were always cold, lifeless, and dead.


"What did you do?" His tone was as flat but chilled my bones, as cold as the eyes he saw me through.

My eyebrows arched at the question, not knowing what the heck was going on. I haven't done anything since morning, nothing that could make his eyes seem so bitter and as dark as they were now. I was breathing harshly now even though I was still downright confused at the question.

"You told him, didn't you?" his eyes narrowed down at me, taking a threatening step forward which, I took 3 –heaven save me steps away from this maniac. My eyes widened at the growing hostility, shaking my head at the accusation even though I had no clue what he was talking about in the least.

"You did," he growled, his tone darker than before and this time I stumbled backward, tripping, my butt landing on the soft grass, moving back in full-on panic and shaking my head profusely, "then why were you there with him?" he growled, looking down at me.

His intimidating structure blocked the moonlight, leaving the place around us as dark as night.

I struggled to piece together what he meant but since I was in a place of life and death my brain worked faster than usual to save my butt, putting together that he must have seen Gravis and me talking.

"What were you doing with a Prime?" he grunted his gaze narrowing and focused on me.

I stared back at him blankly not knowing what to do.

I didn't have my notebook with me to jot anything down, and even if I did, my hands were too shaky and scared to write down anything, which is why I couldn't sign at all either or some kind of hand gesture to let him know I couldn't talk.

This wasn't my scene at all.

I shook my head slowly again, this time a little calmer, rubbing my arms as I stared back up at him, only for a moment before looking down at myself in the grass. I didn't know what to say or do.

I mean if he was going to kill me, he should just do it already. I may have been exaggerating, but logic told me it was not a good idea to be in the darkest part of an area with a mind-compelling boy whom you just found out his top-secret- even if it was accidentally.

"Do you pretend to be dumb or do you just don't want to talk?" he grunted, and my heartbeat sped up, feeling him squat down to my level, the dark coat that he was wearing grazing the grass behind him.

"Answer the question."

I looked at him straight in the eyes feeling more fear than I believe I did when I was falling 38,000 feet from the sky, so much so, my breaths came out shaky and my hands were shivering from the intruding cold.

He looked down at them and I quickly tucked them back into my pocket.

He scoffed at the action, getting up to his full height and I suddenly felt like I could breathe a whole lot better. He looked out the direction I had come from, his eyes seemed to narrow down to something.

I couldn't see anything from this Angle.

I wondered if Gravis was still there. He stared that way for so long that I believe he even forgot I was down here, as scared as hell. He turned away for a moment, eyes now in a different direction before suddenly looking down at me.

"Wait here." He ordered, before stomping away further into the courts.

I sat there for a moment, blinking. W-was he gone? Wait- did he say what I think he said?

I peered through into the darkness looking for a sign of him. Slowly getting to my feet, I whipped my bottom, still looking inquisitively in the direction he had left.

There was no sign of him.

Wait here- were his orders.

I felt a laugh coming up my throat looking once again in the direction he had left in, then all around me just in case he was invisible hiding behind the tree or something, not that I could have ever known if indeed he was invisible and yet I stuck to that theory.

Looking around and realizing that he was out of sight.

I dashed out at full speed cruising towards the dorms. He must be dumb and one heck of a nut if he thought I would stick around in the shadows for a boy who could control my body with his mind and who looked like the spawn of the Convert Mafia.

Successfully sprinting back to my room, I took deep breaths in, closing the door behind me and locking it sharply for added protection.

I was never going out again past midnight- ever.

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THESE HIDDEN WINGSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora