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"The walls have ears and the doors have eyes."


GETTING TO MY feet, I packed my books in my bag, slinging them over my shoulder before following the sounds of my classmate's shuffling feet to the door. Claire turned to wait patiently until I was pacing beside her before we walked toward the doorway.


I slightly turned at the sound of my name, my eyes meeting that of Mr. Ogustus, who was still standing by the whiteboard.

"May I have a word?" he asked to my utter surprise. I didn't think Mr. Ogustus knew my name, I mean I never spoke in class- not that I could if I wanted to anyway, or caused any kind of scene, so I was taken by surprise when he called me by name and such a flawless pronunciation of it.

I glanced momentarily at Claire who looked equally surprised, glancing between Mr. Ogustus and me.

"A quick word," Mr. Ogustus rephrased, a kind smile playing across his face.

Claire cleared her throat, looking slightly out of place, "Uh- I'll wait for you outside T," she hummed pointing at the door.

I nodded softly watching her awkward exit, then slowly turned back to Mr. Ogustus, immediately adopting Claire's feelings of being out of place. I found it impossible to make direct eye contact for too long, which was weird for me. I had been taught all my life to give eye contact, and yet I found my gaze shifting from place to place. I didn't know why I felt so nervous.

Mr. Ogustus was by far one of the best teachers I had ever had, and that was saying a lot as he had only been teaching for 3 days. I tugged at my sleeve, looking up at him when he talked.

"I must say, I have been looking forward to this moment," he began with a wide grin, "please, take a seat, we won't take long but you'll be comfortable sitting," he explained showing me to one of the first desk seats as he hobbled to lean on his cane right in front of it. I turned awkwardly taking a seat, relieving my shoulder from the weight of the bag.

There was a pregnant pause as it seemed Mr. Ogustus was studying me with the uttermost interesting expression I had ever seen. It did not make me feel uncomfortable in any way, but it made me itch to get a look at what he was seeing in me that gave him such a look like I was a fascinating object.

"There are so many things I wish to say to you," he began calmly, "but this is not the place youngling, the walls have ears," he grinned. He tapped his cane, leaning forward on it until he reached my level. His wise old eyes twinkled, "I have been waiting a lifetime to meet you, princess," he hummed, though his tone was much lower and quieter to the point that I could swear he hadn't even moved his lips and yet I could hear his voice.

I felt my eyes go large as I pulled back in complete shock, heart pounding from how sudden that had come in, the word Princess taking me off guard.

He must know.

"Forgive me, I do not wish to scare you," he continued, "but that was...cool wasn't it?" he chuckled, this time talking as usual. I wouldn't say that I was scared of what he had done, or what he might know. It was strange but I felt no threat about someone being in my mind and potentially knowing my secrets as I had felt with Hallway Boy by the river, instead, my heart was merely racing because of how unexpected the action had been.

A small smile spread on my face after he said this, taken aback by the use of the word 'cool.' I noticed that Mr. Ogustus preferred more polished language judging from his teaching style. I looked up at him for a second unsure for a moment, before signing my question

"How did you know that I was a-"

"Quiet, youngling," he halted, stopping my sign language. My eyebrows furrowed and then I realized I had been too quick about this. He probably couldn't understand a word I was saying-

"Your sign language is perfect and I do understand every single word but as the walls have ears, the doors have eyes," he added. My eyebrows drew together glancing at the door even though I knew he only meant this figuratively.

Attentively watching his every move, he pursed his lips, a firmer look appearing, "You are truly gifted youngling, I see it in you," he began, "it has to be you. Do not doubt yourself so much youngling, fear does not pick favorites, it comes to all, leaves no one, no matter how small, how big, how weak or how powerful they believe themselves to be," he spoke softly before sitting straighter, "truly remarkable," he added.

I pondered all this in my mind for a few seconds before he continued, "There is much to learn here on Kingsland, much to discover about Kingsland, about your place and your role to play in the order of things," he explained, "it is a pleasure to meet you, Talanda," he smiled, holding out his hand to me.

I stared at it for a second or two, before pacing mine in it, getting to my feet with his help. He clasped his other hand around my hand, eyes settling on my red band, "great things are going to happen," he began, "protect yourself well, never take the band off," he reaffirmed his first lesson.

So far, I was still trying to put the pieces together about what Mr. Ogustus was saying to me. it happened too fast because all too quickly he let go of my hand, "I shall not keep you any longer, Claire is waiting," he added poshly with a grin, before hobbling out of the classroom.

I watched him leave; confusion glazed in my eyes. There was so much I wanted to know or to ask, heck, even though everything that he said had been received and stored in the back of my mind I didn't quite piece it all together. What did he mean when he said the walls have ears and the doors have eyes? Did he just confirm that they were things that could hurt me on Kingsland?

Dad always taught me to trust my gut.

Mr. Ogustus didn't seem like a threat but he knew who I was. I had a feeling all the 7 prime teachers knew who I was, but there must be a danger lurking nearby if Mr. Ogustus didn't want to elaborate on anything he said.

The clear point was that Gravis was right.

I was safer in Kingsland than in the real world, however, that statement only implied that either way I wasn't completely safe.

I took a breath in already sensing an oncoming paranoia. Closing my eyes, I took another deep breath in before opening them again. I looked around the empty classroom one more time before walking out the door.

I hope you enjoyed the update! Leave a comment on your thoughts on the chapter, vote to boost the book if you're enjoying it! Feel free to leave me a comment or a question on my discord channel, (link in bio)

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