[101.1] FIRE CATCH (part-one)

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"This is the worst day of my life."


"IT WAS EPIC, Lira!" Claire boomed as I sat cross-legged on her bed, having explained all that happened at the Crown.

David wasn't with us this time, something about homework although I was sure he would come knocking any minute from now, just to get Lira's opinion on something.

He wouldn't admit it out loud but even I could see he was glad there was another blue in his group of friends to converse with.

Sad to say, but most times Claire and I couldn't keep up with their astrophysics discussions.

"Really? Vampires on Kingsland," she huffed, her tone doused in disbelief, she slanted to the side so she could see me, "hey redy, is that true?" she huffed.

I nodded and she cursed under her breath.

"Great, the one time I decided to miss classes," she grunted.

"The one time?" Claire mocked, raising an eyebrow and even I had to give her the eye.

She rolled her eyes, "Okay, so I miss a couple of classes, jeez can't a girl catch a break?" she mumbled getting up to her feet.

"Even a couple is inadequate," Claire replied, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Fine, maybe I only like attending Friday classes," she fired back, "and Wednesdays, just coz I like Mr. Walters face," she added, taking out some gum from her back pocket, "but still, the one interesting thing to happen in this place and I just had to be at the wrong place," she grunted trying to take out a stick of gum.

One fell to the floor, and she froze staring at it for a second before picking it up, running a hand through her hair as she looked at it, then back at the pack in her hands.

Claire and I exchanged looks at her odd behavior.

"Gees Lira, you can still eat it, it still has a wrapper around it," Claire grunted looking at her funny.

Lira rolled her eyes, "Of course, I know that!" she fired back before turning the packet of gum upside down.

"I'm down to my last one," she hissed, showing us by shaking the empty package.

"I'm surprised it's lasted this long," Claire whispered lowly to me and I chuckled.

It was no secret that Lira was the gum queen. Her tongue and teeth were almost always a blasted array of purple turbo gum.

"I heard that," Lira grumbled, "this is the worst day of my life, First I miss the bloody vamps and now I'm out of gum," she huffed.

That sums up the worst day of her life.

Seems to me she was lucky enough to avoid a vampire and she could take a break with that turbo bubblegum.

"Why don't you just ask Andrew to bring you more?" Claire asked, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Because Claire," Lira replied spinning around to gaze at her roommate her tone slightly harsh, "there haven't been any matches this week and won't be until after the Inter color Games, and secondly, the tracking season is over, so there's no way he can sneak in some gum from the outside world," she mumbled, "I swear it's like we live in a frickin prison," she grunted, scratching at her arms.

I raised an eyebrow at this, it was almost like she was behaving like an addict.

"uh- Lira, could you please take your gum now, you're kinda getting scary right now," Claire commented.

Lira shot her a look but ended up unwrapping her last stick of gum, chewing away as she made it back to her chair, cracking her neck.

"Vampires," she muttered lowly to herself, "and I miss 'em."

"An Oldblood named Grossowa and 4 vampires Miss Amir referred to as Strigoi," Claire grinned.

"And the hits keep on coming," Lira muttered turning to look at us, "you saw a frickin Oldblood? The last of the three- Grossowa- and I mean THE Grossowa?" she asked her eyes narrowing down on us.

"According to Miss Amir," Claire replied with a shrug, "for a guy referred to as an Oldblood, he looked the late twenties at best-"

"Oldbloods are immortal dummy- he may look twenty-five but may actually be over five hundred years old," Lira snapped back before cursing underneath her breath.

"Damn it, I should start attending class more, at least the last five minutes of it," she muttered, "and how did the Strigoi look like? They must have looked insane," she grinned glancing between Lira and me with hungry ' I need to know' eyes.

I looked at her weirdly, now feeling slightly uncomfortable.

"I don't know, they were dressed in these long dark coats that looked like robes, covered from head to toe," she replied.

Lira looked confused for a second before a wave of understanding honored her face.

"That's right, Strigoi can burn up in direct sunlight," she huffed.

"So they're harmless in the daytime? What was the point in getting them as bodyguards then? Seems pretty useless to me."

"Strigoi are merciless killers only loyal to Oldbloods and something called their creator," she replied, "I don't know who that is, or what that is because Stragoi is usually bitten and become blood-crazed," she explained, "anyway, with today's technology there are a lot of ways for vampires to fight without being in direct contact with the sun. Like an anti-ray nano-suit. Sure, they might have to cover all of their faces but I assure you, a Stragoi has many other ways of killing without needing to bite someone," she grinned.

There was a moment of silence that passed among us before Claire nodded.

"Point taken," she huffed.

A knock suddenly came ringing and all of us turned to the door.

Claire stood up walked to the door, opened it, and in walked a puffed-up David, his cheeks flushed, eyes wide, and his hair straight, filling the room up with smoke, part of his notebook burnt.

"What the frickin heck happened to you?" Lira chuckled, leaning back in her chair as Claire and I looked back at him in surprise.

"Oranges- playing-fire catch in the hallways," he huffed between breaths.

I raised an eyebrow at this. Fire catch?

Liras missing out.

THESE HIDDEN WINGSजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें