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"RASKEI GOT him down like five times in one fight!' David burst out excitedly as we walked down the halls.

I couldn't help but take another glance behind me, thinking I would see a glimpse of the dark coat somewhere in the crowd, but it seemed he was gone.

Like really gone.

My eyebrows arched further, a frown forming across my features.

It frustrated me that every time I wanted him gone he would be as persistent as ever, and when I finally did want to utilize the fact that he was always around he suddenly decided to... just walk away.

Give me space. 3 days he said.

I sighed, gripping my bag straps tighter, finally turning back to David, joining in his conversation signing,

[How are his chances looking?] I signed.

He shook his head, "all I'm saying is Andrew has A LOT of work to do," he huffed, "and Raskei is a badass, her fire skills are impeccable," he added.

I nodded at this, looking up and spotting my classmates, some lounging around the door to our classroom.

"Class sweet class," David murmured as we stopped.

I looked at him, raising an eyebrow, his smile slowly disappearing from his face, "Home sweet home, so- you know- I uh, twisted it to Class sweet-"

I raised both eyebrows and he cleared his throat.

"Got it," he huffed, "not funny, I'll work on it," he mused to which I nodded and highly recommended he do, and he chuckled at this.

"I guess I'll see you after classes," David grinned walking backward for a moment,

"Oh, and smile a little T, I feel like I haven't seen you do it in days," he huffed causing me to chuckle as he turned away, reopening the book he had been reading automatically bumping into someone to which he quickly apologized, slipping away from my line of sight.

I rolled my eyes in amusement at this, the bell ringing, signaling the beginning of classes.

Students all around me grumbled at this, filing into their perspective classes.

Moving toward my own, I was the last in line to file in.

My gaze shifted all around, waiting for that perfect opportunity, glancing at the now-empty halls, before dashing off into them.

Trying to be as discrete as possible, I crept my way through the hallways, pausing around a corner, peaking through when I spotted a few secondary's making their way into their perspective classes.

With my back against the wall, I took in a short breath. My heart echoed slightly louder as I risked a peak, making sure that the coast was clear before moving through the hallways once again.

It wasn't like this was my first time ditching, however, the scariest part of this whole fiasco was the hallways.

Heaven forbid I ran into Gravis.

When I finally got to the stairs, a smile grew on my face jogging up to them in victory, feeling freer when I finally broke out into the open area above the library.

The morning sun was high above and a cool gentle wind was in the air.

I walked toward the edge, taking a deep breath in, whilst pushing a lock of my hair from my face. I could spot two black birds flying in the distance, cawing at each other.

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