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But if it isn't you, and it isn't me, then there is only one more person I can think of.


"TALANDA!" LUCAS CALLED out, watching as she ran out of sight, leaving him standing there confused

His eyebrows drew together, staring blankly at the place she disappeared to, concerned crevices forming on his forehead, trying to patch things up together.

He couldn't help but wonder why she had suddenly got so distant as well as the sadness he had seen beneath the shadows of her eyes.

It was more than sadness. It was different. There was no light in her eyes.

A subtle frustration surfaced inside him, his fists clenching in his hoodie pouch, still struggling to piece together why.

Something came to mind and he turned, spotting where Harvest stood by the fountain, his eyes seemed to have been also focusing on the place that Talanda had disappeared through, a slight clenched in his jaw, before abruptly turning away, making his way back into the crown.

Lucas thought about it for a minute, eyebrows creased together as he witnessed Harvest's behavior. It suddenly clicked, and he shook his head when he realized something.

Moving to go after him He stomped right by Daya who he had been too engrossed in finding Harvest to see until she spoke-

"Hey! Luca, let's-"

"No, Daya, let's not," he grunted, gritting his teeth but not sparing her glance as he firmly moved in the direction Harvest had gone, leaving Daya standing there.


The door to the gymnasium flew open, banging harshly against the wall, as Lucas walked in, eyes set on Harvest who sat unbothered by the noise, in the benches by the court.

"I sense trouble," Rangi sighed eyes following Lucas as he walked toward the boy casually flipping through the pages of a dark book.

Lwangi looked up at what his brother was referring to with a small huff of his own.

"It's about time," he commented, "let them sort it out brother before their winds create a typhoon," he replied, relaxing as they watched the confrontation.

"How long do you plan to punish her?" Lucas grunted as he stood right before Harvest, eyes on him.

Harvest didn't bother looking up, leaning back in his chair, one hand draped over his other, flipping through the book carelessly-

"I don't know what you're talking about, Lucas" he replied, still seeming unbothered.

"Cut the crap, Harvest, you know exactly what I'm talking about," Lucas fired back, his voice resounding louder in the gymnasium.

"Do I?" Harvest sighed, still not bothered, by it, but Lucas did catch the tension that was forming in his jaw.

The frustration that Harvest was known for. It only meant he was getting there.

"Talanda. What did you do to her?" he huffed.

To his surprise, Harvest froze at this, his gaze rising from the pages of the book he had been invested in, starting far out for a moment, this time his jaw visibly clenching before looking right up at Lucas, who held his gaze without any hesitation as the book shut closed.

Harvest adjusted in his seat, straightening his coat in the process,

"And what makes you think I did anything to her?" he asked, his eyes narrowing on him.

THESE HIDDEN WINGSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora