[132] CHOOSE ME (part-one)

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I STARED blankly at the blackboard, at the mathematical problems displayed there, not because I didn't know what was going on, but simply because I couldn't care enough to focus, no matter how much I tried, and believe me...I tried.

It was the one thing I convinced myself, that listening to Mr. Alarlmic teach calculous in his morning class would take me off everything that was weighing on my mind.

But it simply did not do me any justice, and I found my gaze drifting off to the windows, staring down at the crest grounds, and the sword and crown fountain, finding myself thinking back to the portal that had appeared in the heart of it, and the sight of the vampires, its red eyes as it met mine for a moment.

A shiver crossed my spine as I shook out of the memory, watching as a dark figure came into view below, the dark coat indicating who it was, as he moved toward the crown.

My heart beating inside me thinking he would look my way no matter how high up I was, but he didn't, walking or rather storming into the crown and out of sight.

I took a low breath out turning back to the board, staring back at Mr. Alalmaric as he moved on to another problem, and I stared at my work, flipping over to a new page, following his explanations.

I felt hollow inside and non-existent.

The minutes flew by, and the bell rang.

I walked out of the classroom, adjusting my bag straps and my notebook pressed up against my chest, my eyes cast down low, as I just couldn't find a reason to smile, yet, not even after I met David in the middle of the hallway.

We trod down the halls in search of Claire, making small talk.

"All I know is that my life is going to be a living nightmare in a few hours," David commented with a low huff, also seeming downcast.

I had an idea as to why he was saying so, my downcast eyes trailing up to him, signing, 'Roommate?'

He nodded with a low huff, "Roman Algrand." he stated plainly his shoulders falling, "his dilect will probably be activated today." he huffed, "I'm going to have to sleep with my head underneath the blanket in this heat," he grunted and that brought half a smile to my face, in amusement, at least knowing that I wasn't the only one with problems somehow relaxed me.

'Can I sleep in your room tonight?" he begged and that earned a chuckle from me, shaking my head.

"I doubt you would sleep well with Daya a foot away from you," I signed to which he paused, nodding,

'yeah not a chance." he agreed.

I grinned at this, feeling a little lighter just being around him when we paused in the center of the hallway where we usually met Claire. We looked both ways, eyes searching but not able to spot her.

"She's never this late," I signed to David when he glanced at me, to which he nodded,

"Then again, I doubt we would be able to see her, coming even if she was, she's just way too short," he joked, earning a swat on the arm from me to which he chuckled away taking a step back.

"What?" he asked, amusement in his tone, chuckling when I tried to give him a serious look that I only ended up breaking into a smile.

After a few moments of waiting David shrugged,

"She might still be in class, don't they have their colors class in the morning?" he huffed," probably still struggling with the demonstrations," he huffed.

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