Rudra= But still you were so afraid of her tantrums that you risked the entire mission? I thought that you knew just how important this mission is.

Rimuru= No it wasn't because I was afraid of her (Well a little bit yes) it was because I didn't want Rigurd to deal with all the mess she would create in my absence.

Shion= What do you mean by mess, Rimuru-sama?

Benimaru= Basically what we just saw when you threw a tantrum.

Shion= But you were taking Shuna-sama with you and not me it's not fair.

Shuna= He takes me because I help him in diplomacy.

Shion= What do you mean?

Rimuru= You would understand later.

Velgrynd= Basically he takes his actual secretary with him.

Veldora= Sister!

Velgrynd= What? We don't need to beat around the bush She may be the secretary in name, but Shuna is the actual secretary.

At this Shion starts to shake with emotions. Rimuru sensing what is about to happen...

Rimuru= Shion please don't throw a tantrum again. I am already not feeling good because of that stroke so I don't want to deal with your antics.

At this Shion quickly. And forcefully calmed herself.

Ciel= <Sheesh... Well, that worked. It is a good thing we had used the stroke as an excuse.>

Rimuru= <Even though it actually isn't the stroke. That still doesn't mean that I am fine.>

Ciel= <Huh?>

Rimuru= <You really thought I would just forget all of that you just did.>

Ciel= <Not really. I knew that you were going to keep thinking about this.>

Rimuru= <Then why did you do it?>

Ciel= <Why are you being so angry? You always wanted something like this.>

Rimuru= <Still you could had done something about the clothing we were both literally naked?>

Ciel= <Seriously? First, we are life partners. Second, I am always naked, and I always see you naked. Third, we are literally as close as souls so just some skinship is not a problem.>

Rimuru= <It is for me.>

Ciel= <Well it shouldn't be, as that is how we will be interacting there. Plus, we won't have any genders so that should make things a little easy for you.>

Rimuru= <But that is not how couples act?>

Ciel= <Not how normal couple act. We are not normal. We are anomalies, both of us and so is our relationship. So, it is perfectly normal for us. Especially when we look at just how close we are.>

Rimuru= <But is it really necessary?>

Ciel= <Why do you have a problem with it? It would be just the two of us and no one else can ever be there. That is my one request, as I want our interactions to be as special as our relationship.>

Rimuru= <but...>

Ciel= <No buts, plus I am only asking for this to be between us, so you don't need to get chummy with the other ladies.>

Rimuru= <You said you won't be jealous?>

Ciel= <I am not being jealous. I never said you can't be chummy because I know you won't be, you are far too much of wimp to do that.>

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