Chapter 41

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"Well, this is what you guys are going to do during the summer vacation. Supplementary study materials, mock test papers, experimental study records, and......"

What is this?

Looking at the papers piled up one by one on the desk, I felt discouraged. Just when we all thought we could relax for a few months because it was summer vacation, the academy and professors didn't seem to have any intention of letting us rest.

"How am I supposed to do this?"

"Isn't that too much?"

The students continued to lament the enormous amount. But are the students of Lexley Academy ones who would refuse this amount of study?

They were all monsters. I'm sure they'll not only do all of this perfectly, but will also finish their personal study.

'I won't be able to rest comfortably.'

I walked down the hallway carrying the distributed materials. There was still a lot to do, but I realised that summer vacation was just around the corner. A time of hot summer and prolonged daylight.

The cape I've been wearing for a long time has already been chucked away, and the top has also been changed to a short-sleeved shirt.

The bulletin board was also empty inside the academy, where all kinds of promotional posters used to be attached.

The field, which was always full of vitality, was quiet and peaceful.

The dormitory was also busy. Most of the time, people were preparing their luggage to leave the dormitory and go back to their hometown.

The children, who had a lot of luggage to take home, left boxes containing their items outside.

"The academy will be quiet now."

It was a full-fledged summer vacation three days from now. And I just finished my last major class before summer vacation.

The remaining three days are said to be a preparation period, so it was a day to prepare to go home.

"It would be empty, wouldn't it? Leah."

"I guess so."

Leto and I headed to the dormitory with a bunch of paper. He has been sweating profusely since a while ago probably because of the heat.

His voice lacked strength, as if he was too lazy to answer in this situation. It was the same for me when it was hot.

I was in a hurry to go to the dormitory, but it was inconvenient to walk because of the paper blocking the view. It was only natural for my steps to slow down.

"......Why are you so slow? Bree."

Leto, who was going fast, said after stopping. Leto was also struggling, so I didn't ask for help. I moved my body to walk again.

"It must be heavy."

"Leah, you said you were going to your mansion too, right?"

I hurriedly changed the subject.

"Yeah. My mother is probably furious because my last midterm results were not good. If I slack off even a little during vacation, I'll get slapped."

Leto mentioned a frightening situation without batting an eyelid.

As Helga smiled at Leto, Leto said with exasperation.

"You tend to be meaner to the person you like."

"Damn, that doesn't make sense."

Leto ignored them and entered the dormitory first. As I followed him, a cool breeze brushed my cheeks.

As if a cooling spell had been activated, there was a refreshing air inside the dormitory.

"Leah, want me to carry it for you?"

"It's fine."

But there's a staircase in front of him. It looked like it would be difficult to carry it up alone. I tried to carry some of the items, even if it was by force.

"Miss Briseis Pierre."

Until the warden called.


"You received a letter from your house."

She left a letter on my stack of papers. Apparently it was a letter from my mother. It was a letter I haven't received since a month ago.

Why did the letter arrive three days before I went back home? An uneasy feeling of foreboding came upon me.

"What is it?"

When I went up to the room, I put down the paper and looked at the envelope.

Perhaps my expression was dark, Leto immediately wiped off his sweat and asked me about the letter in my hand.

"It's from my mom."


"Maybe there's something wrong?"

Leto paused for a moment and shook his head.

"Maybe it's not a big deal."

"If it's nothing then she can tell me in three days, so why did she send the letter now?"

"......If you're scared, want me to read it with you?"

When Leto asked hesitantly, I walked up to his side. We sat on the same bed and opened the envelope. Inside was my mother's familiar handwriting.

[ To my beloved daughter. How are you doing, dear? I heard a lot about you through the newspaper.

I heard you recently received a scholarship from saving people? When I heard the news, I can't describe how proud I was of you. Your father even went to spread the word all over town. If you come back home, you will probably see signs and signs all over town welcoming you and being proud of you. I hope you feel happy when you see them too.

However, there's a reason why I didn't send you a letter sooner. It's just that we came to the Baran continent due to something urgent.

You don't have to worry too much. It's not a big issue. I think your grandfather lent a lot of money and land to a friend who lives here.

I'm not sure, but your cousin told me about it. Anyway, he disappeared without paying him back, but his whereabouts was recently revealed.

In short, I'm here to sort it out. If we wanted it back, he told us to come find him ourselves, and so I did.

But another issue occurred, so it looks like I'll be staying here for quite a while.

Oh, don't worry though. I left my work and the mansion to your cousins. Maybe when you get back, you'll see all your relatives there. They wanted to see you too.

Well then, Bree. I'll send you another letter next time. Until then, take care.

— Mom and Dad, who loves you. ]

"See, Bree. It's not a big deal."

Leto said with relief.



"I guess I should stop packing."


"I'm going to stay in the dorm. I'm never going back to my hometown."

I Confessed to the crosssdresserTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon