Chapter 30

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"What are you saying!"

At the student's words, Leto exclaimed with a really disgusted expression.

Even so, when the student's suspicious gaze lingered on, Leto fired up in anger.

"Why would I date that unlucky guy who stretches like a sloth? You guys like someone who goes around half-asleep all the time? I'd rather give up on strawberry jam!"


"I don't know what you guys are misunderstanding, but it's not her either."

Leto spoke in a lower voice than before. However, the students, already ignited by the topic, could not easily calm down.

"No way, make them sit down!"

When Helga's order fell, who was among the group, the students came rushing to us. The moment my anxiety crept in, the students' hands grabbed my arms and body. Being sat at the table in front of the entrance hall without being able to refuse, I saw Leto being dragged the same way I was.

He was also caught without being able to escape and was made to put his butt down on the seat next to me.

"What are you talking about? I'm laughing because Bree's words were funny."

Leto's words silenced everyone. If you were going to pretend to laugh, you should have shown a little sincerity to fool them, but Leto's acting was unnaturally incomparable. He looked so serious when he spoke, but as soon as he finished speaking, he laughed again. Must he laugh while speaking?

Now, the atmosphere had plummeted, as if cold water had been poured on it.

"She must have really eaten the wrong cookie."

"I haven't even put the cookies on the table yet."

The students kept bringing up the innocent cookies and blaming them. But the cookies were still in the hands of the warden, and none of us had touched one. Judging by the atmosphere, it seemed that the students didn't even believe Leto's words. In fact, so did I.

I Confessed to the crosssdresserOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora