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Hello hello!
Sorry a late update but exams nahi ho rahe khatam

Hope y'all are doing great.

No further rants.

Enjoy 🍃

Raxit's POV

"Yo bunny"She chirped from that side of the call.

"Yo! Lioness" I replied with energy, to match hers.

"I wanna meet you before you leave"

"I will come at your place today, don't worry" I cooed while arranging some pages into the file for a presentation.

''Where are you?"She asked.

"I know you are biting your lips, so don't and I am in office." I said holding my giggle.

"You cannot be serious! Are you busy?"
She sang.

"Na, I mean haan, coming Manik you arrange the hall" I was talking to her when  Manik came with some issues.

"You are busy, we can talk later. Best of luck for your presentation Bunny Boy" She wished me luck and I couldn't control but left a small chuckle.

"How do you know I have to give a presentation? " I inquired being curious.

"As you know, that I was biting my lips. Now gooo" She yelled slowly.

"Okay bye, take care lio" I said before cutting the call.

I immediately stuffed the phone into my pocket, and picked up the necessary files. After gathering all the important stuff I pulled the floor backwards and friction pushed me forward making me capable to walk.

"Manik are the clients up?"I asked Manik as he was coming out of the conference hall.

"Yes sir, but Mr.Vividh Kapoor is leaving for Chicago tonight, so he is suggesting us to have the meeting today only," Manik explained while I was calculating the time which would be taken in all this.

"He need to crack this partnership with him, say to him today 4 p.m." I agreed.

Ahilya's POV

"Why is his phone unreachable since afternoon, dammit bunny where are you?" I banged up.

I have been trying his phone since evening 5 but he isn't answering them. He clearly said by 4 he would be done by all his meets. Still!

I tried to call him once again but didn't got any reply.

Does he even wants to meet me before leaving?

Shiva, what kind of man you made?

It's already 7:15,by 7:25 I use to leave the office.

I don't care, if he doesn't care about me. I will go home alone. What does he thinks of himself. He will do anything whatever he wants to and I will keep going. No.

I picked up my bag from the couch and got the laptop into it. I opened my make-up kit and did a bit of touchup.

I got the keys of the car and along with them I stormed into the basement.

I opened the door of my car, sat into it, adjusted myself, and closed the cars door, not harshly because afterall that's my car ×_×

I started the car and started to drive, while tightening my grip on the steering wheel. I arouse the speed so the distance was reducing faster and faster...

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