Chapter Twenty-Four

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Who the fuck do they think they are? I am not some fucking toy they get to play with and decide who gets a turn. They can all go to hell for all I care. At this point, I'd take Alec finally killing me overhearing them bicker about who's I am. If I wasn't so fucking weak I would have beaten each of their asses and showed them the door or taken Clayton's ideas and feed them to the pigs.

They think because I've gone through all this traumatic shit that I'll just roll over and let them use me but they have it seriously wrong. Nobody will stop me from killing Alec and Aiden, nothing. If they get in my way I will not hesitate to kill them, they got me into this mess, if I hadn't fucking met any of them then I wouldn't be here right now. I would have found Alec and Aiden and killed them. I hate them, I hate Gage, I hate the twins and I fucking hate myself for falling for it. I should never have let my heart get attached because this always happens. I get hurt, I'm always the one that gets hurt and they walk away without a scratch.

No more.

I will heal and find a way out of here. At least this place isn't high-tech like the twins place so escaping will be a walk in the park. I just have to figure out what to do about the three assholes out there. I also need to get out of bed but it's hard. It's really fucking hard right now. All I want to do is curl into a ball and sleep myself to death but I can't right now. I have to finish what I started and then I'll be able to play with my demons in peace. But after what I found out Gage did his name has officially made my list. He'll suffer the same fate that Alec and Aiden are awaiting. There's a part of me that hurts when I think about what I have to do but it becomes more numb as the days go on. He handed me over without a thought to get his precious Quinn back. The bastard never even told me about her let alone that he was in love with her. I thought we were together, I thought we had each other's back but it was never true. It was all a fucking lie. I was just somebody to fill the space while he tried to find her. That's how it goes, I'm not relationship material and people don't want me. I'm too broken, too depressed and too fucked up. It has always happened. They get to know me and when I show them that side they walk away because it's too much for them. Well, they can all go and screw themselves because I don't need them, 

I only need myself.


"You better let us out of this fucking house Casey or I swear to god I will kill you," I say between clenched teeth. We tried to escape out the window while Casey was on a smoke break but somehow the fucker found us and won't fucking move.

"Can't do that mate and you know why" the fucker says back. He's a big bastard and packs a fucking punch. He's a retired boxer and I've seen his fights, he can knock out a guy with one punch. The last thing I want to do right now is have Quinn see me get my ass beat.

"Don't fucking mate me, we are leaving and you are going to let us go without a fight got it?" I say trying to storm past him but he steps into my path and I hit his chest. Before I know I swing at him and clock him in the nose. The fucker doesn't even budge, is he made of fucking steel or something?

"Get back in the house, both of you" he demands pointing towards the sliding door. Quinn's next to me looking like she is about to burst a vein in her head. I know what she's capable of but Casey is not someone she can handle. Giving up on the fight I turn around and storm back inside, we need to be smarter about how we get out. Casey may have strength but he hasn't got the speed we do. Quinn follows me inside and lets out a scream.

"Fuck! They always want to fucking control my life" She says as she paces up and down the kitchen. I grab a joint and light up passing some to Quinn, she takes a massive lungful and lets it out. After a few hits, she seems to calm down and sits down on the couch. I walk over and join grabbing her and putting her on my lap.

"We'll get out of here okay? We just need to be smart about it. They won't control your life once we get out of this house baby" I say playing with her hair. She relaxes back and rests on me passing the joint back.

"I hate them Gage and being back here is just too much for me," she says softly

"I know Q, I know. I'm doing everything I can"


She can hate us all she wants but she knows deep down we own her. She's been ours since the minute she became a problem to us. Now she's important to us on a whole other level. She doesn't have to forgive me but she will respect me and one day she'll see that I didn't want them to take her, I had no choice. I will do everything I can to make her see that but I will not beg for forgiveness. She can hate me all she wants but she will never be with another man except me. Dax reckons he's got a shot with her and I don't doubt it, they get along and she sparks that happiness in him that I haven't seen in years. I will share her with my brother if I have to but I will not be fucking happy about it. As twins we had to share everything growing up, sometimes we shared girls but I always liked to have my own life away from my brother. I wanted the girl all to myself. Paige is something else, she's nowhere near anybody else I've met and makes me want her more. I want to hide her away from the world so she can never get hurt again. But knowing her she would rather kill herself than be owned like a pet. At the moment she's going to have to suck it up and listen to us until we can get her the hell out of Italy. The next problem will be getting her to play like a team member in hunting Alec down cause knowing her she'll want to go off on her own and deal with it.


"Hey mate, got a problem here. Gage and Q tried to leave today and I have a feeling they're going to try again" Casey's voice comes through the phone. Goddamit, we knew this would happen.

"Get some of the other boys to come over and help. Gage is smart and Quinn is manipulative. You do whatever it takes to keep them there Casey, even if you have to use the holding cells" I say with a wince. The last thing I want is to chuck Quinn in another jail cell but they can't leave. We aren't losing Quinn again and we are not losing Gage. As much as I hate that fucker at the moment, he is our brother and we spent three years trying to find him. He needs to suck it the fuck up and stick around until all this shit is figured out.

We've been getting food into Paige which is good to see, she still looks like a walking corpse but she's getting colour into her face every day. She still won't speak to us and just flips us off every time we come into the room. Her injuries are healing but she still limps on the leg that Alec stabbed her in and she winces at her ribs each time she sits up. We've tried to talk some sense into her but she just won't listen, but that's our stubborn princess right there. She'll have to listen to get out of here otherwise Alec's coming and she's in no state to take him on at the moment and neither are we. From what Rico's been telling us about Alec's team, it's huge and we do not have that manpower with us right now. We need to get home regroup and come up with a plan of attack. 

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