Chapter Three

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I must have passed out from the pain, I think. I've woken up to voices in the room. I can hear maybe three voices and two of them I recognise. One of them I am afraid of. Keeping my eyes closed I listen to what they're talking about.

"You want to sell her?" Aiden's voice rings out as shivers travel down my spine.

"She'd sell real well Aiden and we could use the money" Alec's voice comes through next.

"No, she has to pay. She ruined my life, Alec. She's mine" Aiden responds in a cold tone. I don't want to open my eyes and see him. I feel so broken and hurt that he'll immediately see the weakness.

"Let's see how her training goes, if she passes it without breaking then she's all yours. But if she breaks then I'm selling her. We don't need broken trash around here"

I love how I'm just an object to them, if they don't like something they destroy it. Aiden used to use me as a doll, something he would play with when he felt like it and when he was done he'd put me back on the shelf to wait when he needed me next. I want to scream at him. I ruined his life? Are you kidding me? Last time I checked he wasn't drugged and raped. I keep my eyes closed out of fear but also anger. If I see him I know I'll break down.

" I'm going to finish what I started Alec" Aiden states. I can feel my anxiety go through the roof as I try to regulate my breathing. If I show panic they'll know I'm awake. Images of what he did to me flash across my mind like a movie. All I want to do is scream and make it stop, but it won't go away. I try to close my eyes tighter in hopes they don't notice the panic taking over my body. I start examining my body from head to toe, I can feel the sting from the brand on my mons. I don't even know what the fuck he branded me with. I can feel pain from the cut in my leg. Nobody's come down to stitch it together yet either.

"Open your eyes Paige" Alec's voice commands pulling me from my thoughts. I squeeze them tighter and try to shake my head. I can't, I can't see him.

"Open your eyes, now" Alec repeats himself as I feel pain come from the cut. I scream out in pain as he digs his finger through the scabbed wound. I snap my eyes open and stare straight into the light.

"Well good afternoon Paige, how are feeling today" Alec says in such a casual tone, like this is just an everyday situation for him. It probably is. "You have a visitor that would like to say hello" I feel hands touch my stomach and I flinch at the contact. I know those hands, those rough calloused hands. I can feel them like a ghost's touch on my skin.

"We are going to have lots of fun together Paige, just like the good old days" Aiden says with a laugh. Oh God, I want to vomit. I struggle against the restraints as he continues dragging his finger over the brand.

"I will fucking kill you!" I scream out to Aiden. I won't, I won't let him break me again. "There she is, the fighter. You were always fighting it weren't you Paige?" damn right I'm a fucking fighter, but at the moment I don't feel like one as my body shakes from his touches. "Here's what's going to happen Paige. I'm going to finish destroying your cunt and then I'm going to rip your ass in two. I will finally have what's rightfully mine" he hisses out. I can feel his finger drag along my chest and up my neck and then he pulls his hand away. He bends over and I look into the eyes of the devil. Those crystal blue eyes. I always thought they were innocent, filled with love. But they are nothing but evil, pure evil. I examine his face and see he has some new scars and he looks older, harsher. I suppose kidnapping girls takes a toll on you.

"I am not yours, you sick fuck!" I shout trying to look away from his glare but I can't turn my head enough.

"Oh you are Paige, you have been since the first day I met you. Don't you rember all the fun we used to have together?" he says sweetly as he plays with a strand of my hair. "Now, Alec has left his mark, it's my turn to leave mine," he says before I feel intense burning on my chest above my breast. I scream in pain as I smell my skin burning, I hear it sizzling, burning the hairs. Before I can pass out the brand is lifted, I still let my scream continue till it feels like my throat is on fire. I let it all out, the betrayal, the pain and the fear. I want out of here, I need to move, I need to run away.

I continue screaming and thrashing against therestraints before I feel the sweet pinch of the needle in my neck. I let the cloudtake me into the darkness.

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