Chapter Six

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Everything hurts. It hurts to move, to breathe. My eyes are so swollen I can't open them properly. I think my ribs are broken but there's so much pain I can't tell. After I blacked out I woke to the sound of that guard's voice again. Dick one likes to use the girls down here for his own pleasure and his little minion's dick two and three like to follow along, whenever I hear their voices, whimpering and sloppy sounds follow.

I don't how the fuck Daisy manages to pass out and sleep like a rock. I'm huddled against the corner shaking as I listen to Daisy snore. Between the cries of pain combined with being confined like an animal, I feel like I'm going insane. Alec hasn't been down to see me nor has Aiden. The longer they leave me here the more anxious I get. Rationally I know they're leaving me down here to increase my anxiety but it doesn't help calm me.

Daisy was right, There's no set routine down here. It's all random. We get meals at different times of the day and the guards just come and take the girls whenever, some come back crying while others don't come back for days at a time. Those girls always come back looking shell-shocked. I wish they would just kill me. I know what Aiden and Alec will do to me and I can't bear it. My mind is constantly flashing between the old memories and what they're going to do to me and all I want to do is die. I want to give up, I've wanted to give up for so long but this stupid one per cent won't go away, it won't go away even knowing what's to come.

I can hear screaming and begging coming from down the hall, it sounds like she's putting up a fight. But it's no use, she goes on for a minute before her screaming is abruptly cut off. Then I hear the cell door close and the footsteps move down the hall, closer to me. I try to huddle further into myself as the footsteps stop outside my cell. The door unlocks and I can feel their presence looming over me.

"Get up" his voice commands. It's cold and chilling. I don't move hoping they'll go away. Maybe if I stay laying here it'll piss him off enough that'll hell kill me. I feel his boot hit my in my lower back and I scream out in agony as I feel tingling all down my legs.

"Get up or I will paralyse you" he threatens. I mean at least I wouldn't feel anything Alec or Aiden would do to me. I feel his hands yank me up to a sitting position and it feels like the world spins as the rest of my body tries to catch up. I feel something rough cover my eyes and start to panic. I know what this means.

My training starts today.


Where the fuck are you Quinn?

I've been going through surveillance footage from the highway that Quinn escaped on for days now and I've found nothing. The van pulls onto a dirt road and disappears from view and never comes back. I had a look at the maps and the road only goes for a few miles before it stops at a clearing with a lake. Beyond that, it's just dry shrubland with no buildings or civilisation in the area. Why would she escape there for? It doesn't make sense. There were plenty of other places that she could have gone to for help. Quinn has skills but she doesn't know how to survive out there by herself and I hate to know what condition she's in after being kidnapped by Alec.

I take a drink from the jack sitting next to me as I pull at my hair. My last option is to drive out there and see what I can find, maybe she left something behind that will give me an idea of where she's headed. I hear the door unlock from behind me and then Gage's footsteps approach. He stops behind me and looks at the screen.

"Any luck?" he questions.

"Nothing" I mumble out watching the van turn down that road for the hundredth time. I can't tell what Gage is thinking anymore. Since Paige was taken, he's been silent and distant, he barely even comes in here to help. All he does is sit locked in his room smoking. Dax cant even get through to him. He's either upset about losing Paige or he's upset about losing Quinn. When Quinn was first taken it broke him. He didn't sleep or eat, all he did was try to find her. But he's barely made an effort with Paige. I know him and Quinn love each other but there's something different about him and Paige. He lights up when she's around, but it's this genuine happiness. It's like she has this aura that pulls everybody in. She's addicting, like a drug. She gives you this high that goes on forever but when she's gone, everything is black and white again.

Gage's footsteps pull me from my thoughts as I turn around to look at him. He looks detached from everything. "Why aren't you doing anything to help find her Gage?" I ask. If he truly loves Quinn then why isn't he helping? Why isn't he sitting here trying to do everything possible?

"Its Quinn. She always has a plan Clay"

"Something doesn't add up though"

"She'll be fine"

"That's all you have to say?" I say standing from my chair. He's really pissing me off now. "She's out there in god knows what state and you could care less, I thought you loved her?"

"Of course I love her!" he shouts back. "I have loved Quinn since the moment I met her and you know that Clay. But what about Paige? Where just going to let Alec have her?" he says sounding so defeated.

"Yes. That was the deal, Gage. She's gone and you need to accept that" I say turning away from him. It hurts even to say those words out loud. I don't want to accept that she's gone. But if we try anything now there's no stopping Alec from tracking Quinn down and following through on his promise. I sit back down at the computer done with this conversation. If he wants to sulk around then so, be it. I'll find Quinn on my own. Then I'll bring Paige home, where she belongs. Nobody will be able to hurt her again. Gage may have been her saviour, but I will be the one who destroys her and puts her back together. 


He just walks away from me sitting at the computer. I need to accept she's gone? I've already accepted that she's gone, I knew the minute I made a deal with the devil that I would never see her again. I can't think about her anymore because it just hurts and I'm done feeling hurt. She pushed me away, she said we couldn't be anything more. I put one hundred per cent into looking after her, to making her feel human. Then she turned around and walked away from me.

I turn on my heel walking out of the lab and back into the house. The house is silent so Dax must be out. He's been a mess since Paige was taken and I can't help him. It hurts to see him so angry. He was so happy when she was around and I took that away. If he ever finds out it was me then they'll chuck me down in the torture room. I probably deserve it at this point. I haven't been helping them because I can't. I don't know what I'm going to find. I want to believe that Quinn got away but for all we know she's sitting somewhere dead.

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and I take it out looking at the screen, it's a private number. Pressing the button, I'm met with silence.


"Gage is that you" my heart seizes. It's her voice, that sweet soothing voice. I would know it anywhere. 

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