Chapter Five

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I'm not sure how long I've been down here but it has to have been a few days. The guards come and go, taking screaming and crying girls away. I've seen some girls put up a fight and others who know its no use. We get given one meal a day that consists of a piece of bread and some sort of porridge sludge. None of them have come down to see me yet which should be a good thing but it just feels like I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. I've managed to get a few hours of sleep but its hard to rest when you can hear whimpering. Daisy must be used to all of this because she sleeps like a baby on the concrete floor. I hate to know how long she's been here.

I'm curled in a ball against the back wall with the shitty sheet barely covering me as I shake from being so cold. There's no heating or anything in here to help keep me warm. I can hear footsteps coming down the hallway and they seem to be getting closer to my cage. I can hear maybe another two pairs behind them. As the footsteps get closer my anxiety races, this is it. Its my turn for training.

I see three men stop in front of my cage. They are dressed head to toe in all black and have their faces covered only leaving their eyes visible. They don't say anything as they watch me. I try to huddle closer to the wall, at this point I wish I had superpowers so I could just disappear. Instead of opening my door they turn and stand in front of Daisy's cage. One of them unlocks the door and walks inside. They make their way over to her and kick her in the stomach. She wakes up gasping for breath and looks like she's about to vomit as she clutches her stomach.

"On your knees" I hear one of them command. There's not much space between these cages so I can see and hear everything. Daisy doesn't even hesitate as she hunches over and sits on her knees with her head bowed forward. She clasps her hands behind her back and looks at the floor. She's submitting.

"Open your mouth, tongue out" Oh god, I know what they're about to do to her. I can't watch this, I have to help her.

"Hey assholes!" I shout as I stand making my way to the bars. I'm weak on my feet as ia stumble forward. The two guards waiting outside Daisy's cell look at me with curiosity but the one inside doesn't move. He just tilts his head and looks at me. His glassy green eyes stare at me. He then turns and slowly makes his way over. Holding onto the bars I stand up straighter showing him I'm not afraid. On the inside, this is a terrible idea. But I won't sit back and watch them hurt her.

"You got something to say sweetheart?" his voice comes over low and croaky.

"Leave her alone or I'll cut your balls off and make you eat them" I hiss at him. he just laughs at me as the other two snort.

"See the problem is Paige, that she needs to be punished. She knows the rules and she knows what happens when you don't follow them. But considering you opened your fucking mouth I think you should take her punishment, what do you say?" I can see that he's smiling as his eyes crinkle. If it means I can take away her pain for just a moment than I will. I wont sit back and let it happen.

"Fine. Leave her alone" I snarl at him. He then steps closer and unlocks the door. I have a chance to run here. But considering how weak I am I wouldn't even last ten seconds. The other two guards watch from outside the door as the first guy steps closer to me.

"On your knees, slut" he spits out. I don't even have a chance to lower myself to the ground before he punches me in the stomach. I let out a cry as my knees hit the hard concrete and I feel vomit threaten its way up, This motherfucker.

"You do look good on your knees, but boss said we ain't allowed to touch your holes until he's had a go so we're going to do something different" he says as he nods to the other two guards. They both make their way into the cell and stand behind me. They both take my arms and yank me to standing. They hold my arms behind my back as the first guy steps closer to me. "Let's see how tough you really are" he whispers before he lands another punch to my stomach. I let out a cry and try to hunch forward but they just pull me back up. He lands another hit to my side and then another. He hits my face and my head snaps to the side leaving a ringing in my ears. I feel the two guards let go of me and I collapse to the floor grabbing my stomach. but I feel another blow land on my back. I cry out in pain as I feel tingling down my legs. They land blow after blow and my eyes are already swollen to the point, I can't see anything. I don't know how long this goes on for but all I feel is pain, so much pain. I try to curl into a ball but it's no use, they keep landing blows until one hits me in the head. My vision goes blurry and I see black dots appear. I don't know how much longer I can take. I can hear them yelling at me, calling me a slut and whore. I feel a sharp blow to the back of my head and everything goes black.


"Look what you've done! You lost Quinn and Paige!" I yell at my brother with so much pain. Not only did I lose my sister again but I also lost my princess.

"It's not my fucking fault!" Clayton shouts back. He looks like shit and smells it too. He's been trying to track Quinn down but with nothing but a street name. The only other option is to conduct a foot mission but we don't know which direction or how far she's gone by now. "I followed his rules and he fucked us over, that is not my fault," he says getting in my face. I grab hold of his collar and pull him closer till our noses are touching.

"You started this! Instead of coming to me you just handed her over! You will find them, Clayton. I don't care what you have to do but you will bring them home, got it?" I snarl at him. He made his bed. Now he has to sleep in it. I push him back and turn around, I can't even look my own brother in the eyes without feeling the sting of his betrayal. He pulls shit like this and then expects me to clean it up.

Not this time. He handed my princess over and now he's going to find her and bring her home.


I handed my best friend over for nothing. We've lost Quinn and the twins can't even be in the same room. If we can't work together then we will never find them. Who am I kidding though? I'm just as bad as Alec at this point. I feel like a fraud. The twins have no clue what's happening and it'll destroy them when they find out.

Reaching over to my cellophane I hover over the call button. I need to know she's okay. I need to know she's alive at least.

"Yes, Gage?" His voice comes through, cold and stern.

"How is she?" I ask quietly. I shouldn't be doing this.

"She's not your concern anymore. Isn't that right?" he quires back.

"You're right... but I need to know"

"Weren't you the one who said to me you don't care what happened to her? You just needed your precious Quinn back" he says with a cruel chuckle. "Don't worry Gage, she will be well looked after" he says before he hangs up. I can't even think about the things that will happen to her. He's a monster and his vendetta will only make it worse for her.

Quinn has a plan, I know she does. But why did they let her get away so easily? I've seen how he transports girls, even regular shipments have upwards of ten guards. But he only assigned three to Quinn. He knows her skills and he knows what she's capable of. What the fuck happened? 

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