Chapter Twenty-One

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"What the fuck happened to her!" I say pushing Rico, she looks horrible. She's bruised all over, she's pale and shaky. Apparently, she's been in and out of sleep for the past three days and hasn't gotten out of bed, eaten or had anything to drink. That screaming, god it's awful. She sound's like she in agony and we tried everything to try and wake her up but any time we touched her she'd just scream and mumble things about not hurting her.

"Hey! I didn't do anything, she was like when I found her!" Rico yells back pushing me back. I go to raise my fist but Clay steps in between us before I can give him a black eye.

"Enough you two! Rico, start talking. What the fuck happened to her" Clay says sternly staring us both down.

"Like I said, I found her like that. She was so disorientated when I was bringing her here and she's just been asleep screaming the entire time. I've tried waking her up but it's no use. She's stuck in there" he says with a heavy sigh. He turns around and walks towards the window that overlooks the coast.

"What did they do to her in there Rico, you would know better than anybody else" Clay says. Bad move. He turns around and death stares us.

"And why the fuck would I know what happens in there Clay"

"Well, considering you work for one of those pigs you'd know exactly what happens" I snap at him. His professional choice is not a good one, he could have worked for anybody else but he chose to work for a buyer. He doesn't say anything as he walks closer to us, standing toe to toe with me.

"They raped her Dax. They took turns raping her. Is that what you want to hear? They used her till they got bored of her, they beat her till she was barely conscious, they fucking stabbed her! I  had no part in that and you damn well know that. I am nothing like that bastard" he sneers as he shoves me again. I will beat this motherfucker in an instant if he touches me again. He proceeds to stomp to the front door and slams it shut as he walks outside.

"Jesus Clay" I say pulling at my hair. I look at him and he's as still as a statue. He's shutting down. He can't handle it just like I thought. "Would you fucking say something"

"I don't know what to say, Dax! Look at her, look at what they did to her and who knows what else happened to her in there and the one person that could tell us can't fucking wake up!" he finally snaps.

"What the fuck are we going to do? She can't travel like that and we need to get her out of here within the week" I say worrying about how the fuck we are going to get her home. We were already on a tight schedule but this has thrown a major rock into the works. We can't bring her home until she's stable and at this point that could take more time than we have.

"I don't know, okay. I need to think. I need to come up with a plan" he says as he starts to pace the room. The only option is to either drug her and get her home like that or we stay here and try to protect her when Alec comes because he will. He's been looking for her for a long time and he's not going to be happy when he gets back and see she's gone.


Do they think I chose this fucking career? That I wanted to work for that pig? I only work for him because of my asshole father. He owes a shit ton of money and instead of getting the money he put me up as payment. I'm stuck working with that jackass until the debt is paid. I can't go back in there anymore though, I can't listen to her scream, it's killing me. I just want to save her but I can't, she's so far gone inside her mind that it'll be near impossible to pull her out.


The twins left last night to go and get Paige and part of me wants to call them and see what's happening but I can't. She's not mine anymore. Quinn is my focus now.

"What's up baby, you seem down" Quinn's sweet voice breaks my thoughts. She comes up behind me and hugs me as I look out the window.

"It's nothing Q. I'm just tired," I say lying through my teeth. I turn around and look at her beautiful eyes, I could get lost in them forever. "I promise," I say as I plant a soft kiss on her forehead as I hold onto her. "We should start packing" I say pulling away. We've decided that we're going to go to Melbourne for a little while so we can figure things out without the twins breathing down our necks.

"I'm all finished bub, I can help you pack if you want?" she offers in that sweet voice.

"No I'm okay, why don't you go make some food and I'll finish up" I say tucking a stray bit of hair behind her ear. She plants a kiss on my lips and makes her way downstairs. I sit on the bed and pick up another joint. It's the only way I can function at the moment. The guilt is so much and not knowing what condition she's in is killing me. I should be there, I should be saving her, I should be begging for her forgiveness, I should be saving her.

No, I need to stop. Paige is nothing anymore, she's someone I fell in love with and that's that. There will be nothing left to salvage when she finds out I traded her. I light up and inhale the bud, I fill my lungs until it feels like I'm about to pass out and exhale. The room starts to spin and I can feel the numbness work its way through my body. I just need to stay numb.


The idiot doesn't think I know why he's upset, I know. I know everything. I know exactly what's happened to his precious Paige and I can guarantee you she won't be alive much longer, either she'll take her own life or Alec will end it then he'll have no one to obsess over except me. It'll be just us. Like it should have been. 

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