Chapter Sixteen

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I'm not sure how long I've been out to it, between the pain and cloudy head I haven't been paying attention to anything. The only thing that has woken me up is the sound of those shoes. That beer-belly guy is back, great. I can hear the fancy shoes tap their way down the hallway. I don't even roll over to see because I know it's for me. Now that Aiden has had his turn I'm open for business for whoever. I hear the shoes get closer and then they stop right outside my cell. I stay tucked in my ball and try to focus on the wall in front of me and pray that they're coming for Daisy. But then the click of my cell lock sounds out and I try to huddle further into myself. The shoes walk in and get closer to me, I can feel the heat from their body as they stand closer to me. I try to take my mind away from what's about to happen but a voice I'm unfamiliar with speaks up.

"Put these on and follow me, do not say a word" it's a hoarse voice with a thick Italian accent. I then feel what seems like clothes land on top of me. I stretch myself out and look up to see the other guy standing there. The one with the emerald eyes. He's the one who was watching me before with beer- --belly. I don't hesitate to take the clothes and crawl to the corner of the room with my back to the wall. Why the fuck is he giving me clothes?

"Who the fuck are you?" I say with a parched throat.

"You'll find out soon enough but you need to get fucking changed and follow me, now little bird" he commands. He looks real fucking pissy at the moment and little bird? What the fuck type of nickname is that? You'd think he wouldn't care if I was wearing clothes or not for what he has planned but I grab what looks like a hoodie and tracksuit pants and get changed. Every time I move I can feel that stabbing pain in my lower stomach. Aiden and those guards definitely did damage. I hiss at the contact of the tracksuits on my cunt and I can see the confusion on this guy's face. He watches me as I get changed never breaking eye contact. I don't even care anymore, everybody's seen my body now, but it's not really my body anymore. "Can you walk?" he asks me with a gentler tone.

"Yeah I'll be fine" I say standing on two feet. The room begins to spin and my legs feel like jelly and I immediately land back on my ass.

"Fuck, well clearly not" he says pulling at his hair in frustration. What the fuck is wrong with this guy? If he wanted to take me he could just do it here. "Alright, I'm going to pick you up and do not fucking hit me okay?" he says with both hands out. Carry me? Fuck no. Not happening. I try to stand on two feet again and the spinning subsides but I feel so weak. He approaches me and scoops me up, he doesn't throw me over his shoulder like the twins did, he actually carries me. "It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you Paige" he whispers while looking around.

"Who are you"

"I'm here to get you out" With that last comment he starts walking through the cell and down a hallway. I can see that Daisy's knocked out per usual but I can also see all the other girls. They all look the same, a vacant and empty expression on their faces. They all look sick, covered with cuts and bruises. I'm going to fucking kill them all. We proceed down the hallway and come to a large steel door with a passcode entry on it "5432" he whispers indicating for me to type the numbers in. Once it unlocks I can feel fresh air, actual fresh air and it smells kind of like the coast. It appears to be night-time but I can't place where the hell we are. All that's around is trees. "Alright, we're going to walk down this hill and then we are going to hit a dirt road. You need to stay quiet and not make a noise understood?" he says peering down at me.

"Okay, not a word" Why the fuck is this guy getting me out of here for? I don't even know him. Everything in me wants to turn around and save all those girls but I don't have any strength left to fight at the moment but I will be back, I will end them all and I will save all those girls. Once I get away from here I'll deal with this guy, for now, I just need to play the damsel in distress and save my energy to get the fuck away from here. He proceeds to walk us down a hill through the trees and like he said we come to a dirt road. This road has spotlights all along it with wired fencing on the side. I can't see any guards or anything that would be an obstacle but it can't be that easy. He proceeds to walk along the tree line away from the lights, it seems like the road never ends. He suddenly stops and I can see why. Up ahead is a large steel gate with two guards and M4s standing there. He hides us behind a tree and peers out watching the guards. I can't even get a good look at them because they're dressed the same as dickhead one and two with their face masks. "one, two and three" he mutters under his breath and like that the guards start walking down the dirt road heading right for us.

"What the fuck are you doing!?" I whisper with concern, this guy's going to get us killed.

"Shut up!" The guards get closer to us and he puts his back to the tree and moves around it as the guards pass us. They walk a few meters ahead of us and this guy starts walking towards the large steel gate. Instead of trying to enter a code he diverts to the fencing on the side. He walks a couple of meters and I see that there's a hole in the fence. "You have about a minute to get through that hole before they come back and shoot us, got it?" he says with a calm tone. I nod and he places me on the ground, I get to my knees and get through the hole as fast as I can scrapping my palms and knees up. I make it to the other side and he's not far behind me. He then proceeds to scoop me up and I see that we're on the other side of the gate. At the gate, there are another two guards standing there. Great. Instead of heading towards them, the guy starts running in the other direction towards the dense forest. I finally look over my shoulder and see the complex that I was in. It's a fucking fortress. The castle looks like it's on a hill and there are at least another three or four warehouse structures around it. I can see the vehicles and guards roaming around. There have to be hundreds of them.

What the fuck. 

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