Chapter Nineteen

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"Hey, how would you feel if we left here?" I ask Quinn. She's lying-in bed scrolling on her phone, she's one of those people who have to be constantly looking at it. I light up another joint as I try to figure out how much I've had today, but I loose count after about the sixth joint.

"Like a holiday, sure why not" she says without even looking up at me.

"I mean like... forever" This grabs her attention, she sits up and turn's her phone off looking at me with confusion.

"What do you mean forever?"

"Like we move, away from here. Away from your brother's just everything. Let's just start our life together Quinn" I say with a smile. She doesn't respond straight away and I can see her thinking about it.

"Where would we go?"

"Anywhere you want. We have plenty of money, we could even travel the world if wanted too"

She lets that beautiful smile shine and I can see the excitement in her eyes.

"Let's do it"


Everything feels so soft and comfy. It feels like I'm sleeping on an actual bed. Either they gave us beds or I'm not in my cell anymore. I crack one eyelid and see that I'm in an entirely different room, a much.. homer room. I look out the window and see more trees, well that hasn't changed. But okay, so where the hell am I now? I look down and see that I'm tucked into a double bed. All my clothes are still on and it doesn't feel like anybody's done anything to me. I sit up and stretch my arms but wince as the bruises on my ribs ache, they're still healing but they hurt like fuck. Looking around I see I'm in a bedroom. It's very plain and simple with a bed, and an armchair in the corner pointing towards the window. There's a dresser in front of the bed that looks empty and two bedside tables with lamps on them. On one side there's a glass of water and two white pills. I'm not taking any chances with those. But I chug the entire glass down seeing as I haven't had water in who knows how long. It seems to be around late afternoon with the sun setting, I also can't hear anybody else in this place. I want to get up and explore but I'm so tired, like so fucking tired. Laying back down I roll over and watch outside the window, I can see the sun shining through the trees creating beautiful shadows around the room. Slowly my eyes become heavy and I let them fall. I just want to sleep, I don't want to wake up.


"Did you know that Gage plans to leave and take Quinn with him!?" Dax shouts coming through the door. I'm trying to find this safe house that Rico's at but there's nothing. Literally. There's no fucking address or direction. Nothing that can help us get there. Rico said he would pick us up and take us there but I don't trust it. We have no clue what could be waiting for us. Rico may have helped us but that's because he owed us a favour. Rico is dangerous and untrustworthy so it was already a risk getting him to get Paige out but now that it's just those two we have no idea what he could do. "Can you fucking stop with the computer for two seconds Clay and listen" Dax shouts standing closer to me.

"What Dax, I'm busy" I say with a sigh

"Gage plans to move and take Quinn with him"

"What" I say finally turning to look at my brother.

"He came down asking about Paige but I told him to fuck off and then he said that him and Quinn are leaving" Dax says huffing and puffing.

"No he's not. We just got Quinn back, she's not going anywhere"

"You don't think I told him that"

"Okay and what did he say to that"

"Nothing he just locked himself in that room and overrode the security code so nobody can get in"

"Fuck" I say pulling at my hair. We don't need this right now, we have to focus on getting Paige back before we can deal with their shit. "I'll have Casey stationed at the house to make sure they don't leave when we head off. It's the only solution I have right now. Our priority is getting Paige back" Dax seems to calm down in the slightest and gives me a nod. He takes a seat at his desk and rests his head in his hands.

"I can't lose Quinn again Clay, with Paige gone I already feel like I'm going nuts. If he takes her then I don't know how the fuck I'm going to cope" he says with a sadder tone.

"I know Dax, I won't let him. I'll tell Casey to do whatever needs to be done to keep them in this house while we're away" I say sincerely to him. I can see the pain in him, he's usually happy and a giant smart ass but looking at him now I see how.. sad he is. I had no idea that Paige meant that much to him. Even though we didn't have that long together it looks like he fell just as hard as I did for her. It feels good to talk like this though, I know he blames me for not fighting that night and he probably won't ever forgive me for it. But it's nice to speak to my brother properly again. "You know I tried everything I could have right, to keep Paige here? I didn't have a choice. I was outnumbered and risked killing me and her" I say looking at the ground, feeling the guilt rise again.

"I know Clay, I would have done the same thing, well I might have taken a few of them out first. But it's what you had to do. I understand now" he says with a sad smile.  

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