Chapter Seven

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Do you know what it's like to be used? What it's like to be treated like a doll? All prettied up just to be played with and put away again. But every time she gets put away again she gets a little dirtier, a little uglier until she's not enough. That's when she's thrown away or she breaks down.

Looking into his eyes I'm reminded of all the times he put me back on the shelf until he had enough and broke me, completely. I may have put myself back together but in this moment, I don't feel any of that strength. I feel the rage and hatred, but I can't stop the shaking my body feels as my heartbeat thumps in my ears. I look into his crystal blue eyes, those blue eyes that haunt my nightmares.

Dick one, two and three have tied me to a chair and Aiden currently sits in front of me. He sits with a smug smile. I look him up and down, taking in all his features. He looks older, but not age older. Exhaustion or stress older. I guess my little fun messed him up a bit. Unfortunately, he's lost weight and put on some muscle.

"Something you like Paige?" he asks. His voice, it's all too familiar and it sends shivers down my spine. It always had this high-pitched tone to it that would drive me crazy, almost like he had never gone through puberty. I can see that didn't change.

"No, but I see something that makes me want to vomit" I snarl

He just smiles in this way I know I've pissed him off. I can see the tension in his jaw start as well "Ouch, you were always a bitch weren't you," he says as he stands from his chair adjusting his black suit, he steps forward till he's in front of me. "Don't worry, we're going to make you a good little obedient pet Paige" he says before he backhands me across my face. He hits the bruises left by the dickheads standing behind me still. I let out a grunt as the bruise feels like it explodes under my skin. I can see his thin skin and anger problems haven't changed either.

"And you were always a dick weren't you," I say with a smile, I must look insanely unhinged right now but who cares, he can see the monster he created.

"Enough Aiden, if you want to torture her then she needs to be alive" Alec's voice comes from behind Aiden. Great. He comes to stand beside Aiden dressed in a similar black suit, but more tailored and definitely looks more expensive. "Now, what did I say about the rules Paige?" he asks in a condescending tone. He looks down at me as he tilts his head almost the way you would look at a puppy when they do something wrong.

"Fuck you Alec" I spit out staring them down. I may be scared shitless on the inside but I have to maintain a strong appearance. If I show them I'm scared they'll know they won, I won't ever let them win again. Alec just sighs at me and shakes his head while Aiden looks like he's about to snap. Alec just nods to the dickheads behind me and I feel them get closer behind me.

One of them grabs hold of my hair and pulls back ripping strands out, I hiss at the sting as I see Alec step up and look down at me "When will you learn to keep your mouth shut" he says before I scream in pain as I feel something sharp in my shoulder blade. These motherfuckers just stabbed me. I thrash around in the chair as they hold the knife in. I have to hold back the tears threatening to spill over from the pain as Alec watches me with curiosity. But his eyes show something else. Excitement, pleasure almost.

"Every time you speak without permission, I will hurt you and each time it's going to get worse," he says as I feel the knife twist, I scream in agony as the blade cuts my flesh up from the inside. "I'd say that things get better if you follow the rules but it's you were talking about. There will be no mercy in this place for you Paige"

"You fucked with our lives and now were going to return the favour" Aiden spits out before I feel the knife twist again.


Where are you fucker?

I've been trying to find Paige for days now and I've come up empty-handed every time. There's nothing. Not a single fucking trace as to where Alec took her. Every day she's not around I feel myself getting more lost. The voices that plague my mind have come back in full swing and it's getting harder to hide it from my brothers. They know I struggle with my head but it's not something I announce to them. I don't need help nor do I need to talk about my emotions. Every time I look at my brother I just want to smash his head in, I want to feel his bones break under my fist. When I find Paige I'm taking her away from here, im keeping her locked up and hidden so nobody can ever hurt her again.

The devil has had her for long enough now.

It's my turn. I want to watch her crawl and beg for me covered in crimson red.


"Oh God G thank god, you have no idea how good it is to hear your voice" her sweet voice comes through, it's sweet like honey but has this natural seductive tone to it. There's nothing sweet about Quinn though.

"Quinn, what the fuck? Where are you?" I rush out, it feels so good to hear her voice again. It's been so long.

"I don't know G, I was taken in the middle of the night and then driven in a van somewhere, we crashed and I managed to get out, I've found a really remote farm and I'm here with an old man, but I have no way of getting out of here, please G, can you come get me?" she pleads out.

That doesn't make sense, Alec said she escaped not that they crashed, but he's a fucking liar.

"You know I'll always find you, Quinn, can you give me an address" My mouth spits out before my mind can make a decision. I need Quinn back and I need her back now.

"I'm in Goulburn, the man says to take the highway and when you see a dirt path closer to Canberra take that and follow it till you see a large metal shed" she says listing off the directions. I pull up maps and can see what she's talking about, she's about two hours out from Canberra at the moment. She's so close.

"Okay I'm going to get your brothers and then we'll be out of here to come to get you, just hold on Quinn, I'm coming for you"

"God G I've missed you so much. I need you"

"I know Quinn, I need you too," I say as I feel the guilt consume me. 

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