Love on the first sight?

Start from the beginning

Meanwhile me and Noa were talking about the boys.
"Soph this guy is so fucking hot."
"Ey, ey stop that, you need to stay concentrate on your school and not boys those guys are older then us."
"I know, you're right."
The boys came back in. Phil couldn't take his eyes of Noa. And Kelly was really exhausted, I could see from his face.
"Kelly you wanna go upstairs and rest a bit, you don't look good."
"Nah I'm staying with you guys, but thank you."
"So what are you girls doing?" Phil started a new conversation.
"Well I'm working at the whiskey a go go and she's still going to school."
"Wait what? How old are you guys??" Kelly locked shocked.
"We're both 15." Noa said.
"15??? Nah stop fucking with us. You can't be 15." Phil started to get nervous.
"I mean it."
"Whoa that's something different."
"So what you wanna do today?" I looked at Noa.
"Can we go shopping? You know how much I love shopping." She gave me the puppy eyes.
"I mean I have the whole weekend free we can do what we want."
"You guys wanna come with us?"
"I mean if kath haves no problem with it, we can."
"Nah, it's okay you guys can come with us."
"Kelly? Can you walk?"
"I'm ok."
"Alright then cowboy, I bring your clothes and then you guys get ready, I'm going to take a shower."
I brought Kelly's clothes and Noa came upstairs with me.
"Can I shower with you?" Noa said with smile.
"I mean, is not like is the first time when we shower together. Just come in, you don't have to ask."
After we showered we did our make up.

My make up:

Noas make up:

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Noas make up:

"So what are we going to wear?" Noa said

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"So what are we going to wear?" Noa said.
"I don't know, I don't wanna be extra."
"Oh you need to be extra, Kelly likes you and I can see that, and we are in La. Hot guys are walking around here. You can't just going outside not being extra."
"Ok first, you are right and second Kelly is just a friend I meet two days ago, I don't like him and he doesn't like me."
"We will see after he sees you wearing this." She took a mini skirt out and a top with a jacket.
"Noa I'm not wearing this!"
"Oh you will. Now get your ass naked and wear this or we gonna have some problems."
"Alright, alright jeez."

This is the outfit Noa chose for me:

"Alright you done?" Noa looked shocked at me

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"Alright you done?"
Noa looked shocked at me.
"What? What is it?"
" You look beautiful soph. Come here let me kiss you." She kissed me and I hugged her. Noa is my best friend, my sister and my girlfriend. I love her more then anything, I don't know what will I do without her.

"What are they doing so long?"
"Phil those are girls man, they always needs more time then us."
"You right. But I wanna see Noa."
" Phil is in love? Jeez I never thought I'm gonna see you this way."
"Kells you like Kath too,I can see that. I know that in the moment she's gonna walk out here you will not be able enough to take your eyes of her."
"You girls are alright there?" Kelly said.
"I thought you said they need time?"
"Well you right now I can't wait to see kath to."

"Yeah, we're coming."
"Alright are we good?"
"Ok, let's turn some heads out there." I give Noa a kiss on her cheeck and we went downstairs.
Me and Noa coming downstairs, all I can see how Phil was looking at her. This guys really likes her huh?
But then I look to Kelly and he's eyes were all checking me out.
"You look beautiful kath." Kelly said with his beautiful smile.
"Thanks Kelly." I smiled back.
"So can we go now?" Noa said.
"Yea! Let's fucking go."

Kellys pov:
Seeing Kath coming downstairs like that.
I could take my eyes of her.
She's so beautiful man.
The day I first meet her, I couldn't not forget about her. She's so unique.
Man I should not fuck this up. She's really different from the other girls, I mean she fucking cocked for me, and took care of me. No woman ever did that for me. I know she's only 15 but I can't control myself when she's around. What.. what if I'm in love? What if it's love on the first sight?
Kelly's POVs ends

We went shopping we bought some clothes and shoes. A lot a food cause Noa likes to eat a lot.
The day was so beautiful, and Kelly was so touching with me. He helped me picking out clothes he even picked out a outfit for me. Phil and Noa also got really close.

"Alright guys, we are going back home, thank you for today." I said
"Yeah, thank you guys."
We said goodbye but then.

"Kath wait.."
Kelly came back.
"I wanted to ask if you will like to go on a date with me?"
"Uh.. Kelly look, I don't wanna be mean, I just think we should stay friends if that's alright." I said a little nervous, and Noa gave me the "what the fuck" look.
"Oh, yeah it's alright. We can be friends. Just call me if you ever need anything. And thank you for today."
"You too Kell, see ya."

I fell so bad, shit, I hope I wasn't mean to him. But I really don't think that this is the right moment for me to go on dates. I wanna start looking for my dream. I wanna be a model, I can't get distracted by hot guys. I mean don't get me wrong I like Kelly but it's better this way.

"Katherina Sophia Rodriguez! Get your ass here now!" Noa said with a angry voice.
"Don't start with that Noa." I looked away from her.
"What you mean "don't start with that" I know you fucking like this man. And HE likes you back. Why would you not go on a date with him?"
"Noa, I said don't start with that. You know how I feel about Mans. You know what I had to get thru, so don't you fucking dare to come up to me like that. My mum died because of a fucking "man" I don't wanna fall in love, get this man everything I have so at the end he will cheat on me or beat me up the way my dad did to me and my mom. I have other stuff to do then going on dates." I screamed at her. I took my jacket and tried to leave. But when I opened the door..
Kelly and Phil was there.
Fuck I bet they heard everything.

Hope you guys enjoy the story so far pt 2 is coming. 😊

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