Sokka pointed his machete, "Where are they keeping Katara?"

"In the crystal catacombs of old Ba Sing Se, deep beneath the palace."

After the very easy problem of making him talk, they went to Appa and headed for the palace. All of them talking about if they had to trust the guy even if he was direct to telling them what made sense to them, "We don't even know if there really is a Crystal Catacomb and an old Ba Sing Se."

"There is." Natsuko interjected, "Settlements before any of you were born."

"That's amazing and all but why underground?" Sokka asking before clearing his throat. Natsuko answered, "This wasn't the first war, Sokka, get a little perspective."

In a few seconds, they had landed at the palace. Toph was also amazed by the ancient city, "But it's deep."

She earthbended the ground to create an opening, before splitting up from Aang, Uncle, and Natsuko, "Aang and Natsuko, you go with Iroh to look for Katara and the angry jerk, no offense. And I'll go with Toph to warn the Earth King about Azula's coup."

The two airbenders nodded and led Iroh down to the hole, "Natsuko, a little fire."

Before Natsuko could create one, Iroh had already made a small flame in the shape of his palm. It was a few seconds of silence before Natsuko talked to Iroh, "It's great to see you again, Uncle. Zuko told me that you've been making tea for a living here."

"Ahh, yes, yes." Iroh let out a hearty laugh and his cheeky smile, "I also have my own tea shop now!"

"That's great, Uncle!" Aang was baffled by how cheery Natsuko was around the enemy, remembering that she also travelled with them almost for the remainder of their time of the last year before meeting Jeong Jeong. What baffled him more that she has been talking to Zuko this whole time whilst they were in Ba Sing Se, "I'm glad my nephew has been speaking with you. His cheery mood is something eerie at first but I know you'll like it."

She nudged Aang after earthbending the ground to get down faster. He looked at her with his brows knitted together as if to say "What are you trying to do?" before rubbing his nape to try and strike a conversation with the other old man in the tunnel, "So, Toph thinks you give pretty good advice-- and great tea."

"The key to both is proper aging." Iroh said in his "as a matter of fact" tone, "What's on your mind?"

The other old people earthbended to dig deeper before walking down again, "Well, we met with this Guru who supposed to help me master the Avatar State, and control this great power. But to do it, I had to let go of someone I love and i just couldn't."

"Perfection and power are overrated." Uncle started while Natsuko had already earthbended the pile of rocks, "I think you were very wise to choose happiness and love."

They continued walking down, "What happens if we can't save everyone and beat Azula? Without the Avatar State, what if I'm not powerful enough?"

"I don't know the answer."

Natsuko did, however.

"Sometimes, life is like this dark tunnel. You can't always see the light at the end of the tunnel, but if you just keep moving..."

Natsuko placed a hand on his shoulder whilst walking, giving him her version of a smile of encouragement; which was just a smile but given the sentiment, he was grateful for it. They both earthbended the pile of rocks, strong enough to knock wind into the impact and blow the fire Iroh had in his palm.

"... You will come to a better place."

They looked at the five millenium year old city with a pool and a waterfall, clear unlike what most would suspect, "Which way should we go?"

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