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Russia pov:

He had said it. He had said three words to CN, and the world didn't explode. It had been days now, since they got back from the pyramids. It was a great place, and the sunset dunes was even more awesome with her beside him.

They had a big party, their last night there, where CN seemed vasty more relaxed than before. Without the dream shaper and her mother telling her what to feel, she had been even more amazing. She was funny, and smart, and actually got excited, when she was herself again. The years of being suppressed by her mother, both when she was alive and dead, hadn't taken the soul out of her, unlike many cases.

Going back to school was less awesome, having to sit in a room learning again felt even more boring when he had experience the carefree days for so long. 

Really, all he wanted was to spend more time with CN, listening to her talk, listening to her joke, and watching her laugh with Capital. 

Alright, well, almost class time. perhaps a good time to pack up.


france pov:

"Its healing, theres no sign of infection, so you should be all healed a few weeks." France was delighted to hear that she could leave the hospital bed now, as she reaaaly needed to catch up her studies.

Her back still hurt sometimes, but it felt significantly better than before. The ginseng that Cuba had given her had been working. She still had to wear a bandage, but at least she could go to school.

She wanted to study medical herbs now, after the experience. She wanted to become a doctor, and she was sure of that. She wanted to help other's with her knowledge, instead of uselessly keeping it all to herself. 

On the first day of coming back to school she got a few curious looks from the others in the hallway, and the teachers congratulated her on coming back. she felt a bit scornful about the teachers since they had abandoned them when they saw the ghost, not caring at all about their lives. but then again, they were educating her, and that almost evened it out. Her grades (thankfully) had not dropped in her absence, and that took care of her nervousness.  

life was normal again, at least for now. 


CN pov:

Life felt more calm without the constant anxiety and paranoia surrounding her. The weird voice that was like 'ugh' and 'you're useless' and 'give up already' had disappeared, and she certainly didn't feel sorry for mother anymore. She could see clearly now, like the air she had been breathing for years was fogy and smokey, but now it was cleared so she could breath better. The feeling of regret, and the despise of herself for killing mother was gone as well, and it felt a lot better.

She still felt confused about why russia liked him, but maybe that was how love worked, you didn't need reasons to love someone, you just did. Unfortunately for her, she wasn't an expert on this area, so she wasn't very sure either on how it worked.

With her nightmares were gone, CN felt more energy day by day, she had renovated her room. She expanded it to be bigger, more like how it used to be, cut down the weeds in the garden (when she had found and mapped out an existence of a garden) and rebuilt the house to include separate beds and rooms and tables and chairs. Now it was more dignified and more like somewhere were a person lived instead of a bear.

Scoring better and better in classes everyday, picking up her falling grades, she finally really felt like, everything was okay. There were no doubt and sadness, just true and real happiness. 

the bell rang and CN packed her bags for lunch. she hadn't seen japan and the koreas in a while now, and it ws only a matter of time before the showed up again to continue ruining her life.

"hey." japan's voice shouted commandingly behind her. CN sighed and turned around. 

"where have you been during the escape? I couldn't find you anywhere in the crowd! don't tell me you saved the day bugeye." 

"Well, for you information, if you had eyes and ears you would have noticed that Egypt came out to get people to get me, so its your fault you weren't observant. also, what would you have done if you did find me? make my life worst? Like you always do?"

"Well, yes, but I have the right to know where everyone is anytime." She flicked her head snottily, "Because, of course, I am the leader obviously."

"Reaaaly?" Adding as much skepticism and questioning in her tone. "Because the only people I've seen you lead are these degenerates here." CN flicked her hand at the koreas behind her, "Following you around like ants after a sugar cube. Don't forget your boyfriend whom you control like an insane manic. Oh wait, you are an insane manic. "

She sauntered away without looking back. It felt awesome, to speak up to them like that. Man, had she been cowering under them all this time jus because of the spell? Very maddening if you asked her. Without the dream shaper in the first place, would she have been a stronger person who never attracted those headless flies? CN figured she would love that alternate universe.


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