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Russia pov:

The tunnel smelled damp and moist, like mold was trying to grow right in the air. It contrasted the dry arid dessert outside, and russia could hear egypt sniffing behind him. 

Egypt was used to dry air and dessert winds. If the air in the tunnel was uncomfortable to russia, he couldn't imagine the pain egypt's nose was going through right now.

They inched forward in silence, russia taking lead, france behind him, egypt behind her, and at the back was Capital. Russia expected a longer crawl but soon he came face first to the end of the tunnel. 

"Aw crap, it ends right here" Russia growled in a low voice. All this effort, just to run into a wall. 

"Let me see," France said and then pushed forward to crawl around russia. In the dark, it was hard to maneuver to the side. France's arm elbowed russia's side accidentally and then while slipping, russia almost kicked france's head.

Crouching in front of the wall, in the dim light coming from candles, russia could see france examining the wall carefully. She slid her fingers to the cracks on the side, scanning the corners for handles.

"Hmmm, I think I found something..." France pointed at a sliding metal piece, "I think if we slide it to the side... we can open it.....aha!"

The door flung open to reveal a taller, wider hallway. The end looked like it wasn't lit with light, so maybe that was where CN had gone as well.

"Oh awesome, the hallway opens up to another hallway." Capital pointed out sarcastically from behind him. Russia didn't even notice but capital and egypt had crawled up as well so watch. They crawled out and russia stretched. His muscles had quite enough of cramped trapdoors.

They walked down the long hallway, and when they got to the darker side, they used Capital's flashlight to look. 

It was like walking in a blizzard, not knowing what you were headed into, and not knowing how long you've gone, and how long there was left to go. 

Finally, after something like a millennial, they came across something new.

"A toothbrush.. ha, I wondered if grandfather ever brushed his teeth," And egypt chuckled a bit.

"Thats, thats CN's toothbrush. I think, so I think she went down there..." Capital pointed at the hole in the ground. Russia jumped when he saw the hole in the ground. 

It seemed to be a pit in the ground, that when a few hundred meters down, and at the bottom was a swirling black spiral... smoke and clouds and something that looked like lightning blazed and crackled around it...

"What is that thing?" egypt asked. He too looked scared. France on the other hand, was not. She looked like she had finally found an answer she had for centuries, okay maybe also a bit scared.

"I, I read something in a book, which may be referring to this.." France's voice faltered, and then continued, "Well, it's  nothing important. Its probably just a myth or fairy tale."

"I want to know. Any clue is a clue to us." Capital looked up at france, who looked extremely unsure about this. France was the kind of person who liked rules and facts and solved mysteries, so telling everyone an unconfirmed fairy tale must feel like pine needles on her face.

"Well, I heard from a book that there was a portal to the underworld in the middle of the pyramid. This may be it, but like, the underworld? Pffft. We'd be better off believing napoleon was tall."

"I think we have to go into it to check..." Capital sounded very solemn, like she knew they right thing to do but wasn't sure she was brave enough to do it.

"WHAT?! NO WE DON'T! This is insane. I am not jumping down a pit that might lead to THE UNDERWORLD!!! Thats insane! You're insane!!!" Egypt yelled in terror. Russia stared at him in disbelief. He was the person who had gotten CN lost, he had even agreed to come with them to find CN! So why, was he ACTING LIKE SUCH A COWARD NOW?!

"That's not fair," France interjected, "You got us all into this mess. Be glad I'm not yelling at you. It is kinda you're responsibility, to come with us into that pit. I may not believe in magic and the underworld, but I do believe in being kind and responsible." Of course she did. Of course goody-two-shoes France believed in kindness and being responsible. But russia couldn't say that, not when France was promoting helping-CN-ism.

CN pov:

The rumbling in the distance got louder and louder, as CN wandered closer and closer to a cave.

It was an otherwise normal cave, reddish grey and dark, forbidding looking, but the rumbling sounded out of place. So she decided if she was going to die down here, she wanted to explore a bit before that happened.

Stepping inside, she left a cool breeze brush her face, and she stood there, letting her eyes adjust. When they did, she noticed a room, with a table and chair and a bed. 

Someone lives here....CN mused. Well that wasn't surprising, it was probably hell. They people banished down here probably needed somewhere to live.

The furniture was old and crisp, and it looked very familiar. it was a lot like......her home! Not the ramshackle hut she lived in right now, it looked like the furniture from the extravagant house of her mother. They white paint on the wardrobes where flaking and crisp, but she could see the gold lacing the corners, showing off mothers vast wealth. The bed wasn't as familiar, because CN had seen it less. Mother had enforced rules that no one was allowed in her bedroom, so she had only seen it from across the room. The place brought back lots of happy and sad memories. 

CN realized there was another room, a doorway next to the bed, that was darker and glimmered maliciously.

Stepping towards in bravely but curiously, she peered around the corner.

"Let's see, what dreams should my darling have today night? Of course, lets add me, me, more me, and finally some fear. Oh, also, bring back that memory of when I pushed her into the sea. That was awesome, well done old me! Haha, oh and don't forget the good old guilted version of my death. This time, lets bring the guilt all the way upppp! Hahaha. Won't be long until my darling goes insane. Then the others will think she's manic and she'll feel even more insane!!!!!!!"

CN spun around in surprise, clasping her hands over her mouth even though she hadn't said anything. She knew who this was. CN didn't know what they meant by what she will dream tonight, but she'd heard enough to know exactly who it was.

Her mother. CN had no doubt, wandered through hell, and found her mother.

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