lunch again

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the cafeteria was loud and rowdy, with people chatting and talking all over the place. CN chewed on her sandwich with her dying appetite, until the same person caught her attention again...

The same someone from yesterday. It was russia... And this time he was clearly heading towards her. He came over and sat down next to her.

"So, uh, hehe. Um, can I sit here?" Russia asked. "Uh, sure. I guess.." can I say that I want him to leave me alone? No, I'm trying to be kind and socializing right now and if this is what I have to do to achieve that, then thats what I'm going to have to do. "So uh, hey.. I think i saw you yesterday? at the courtyard? you were sitting in the corner..." did that sound weird, like I'm stalking him? i definitely don't wanna sound like a stalker! haelp!  "Oh, yea. I did, I noticed you, I mean, I suppose it'll be easy- to notice me, I mean, like, I'm like the only person around here who will sit down." 

They chatted for a while, and CN felt less and less tension with every word he said. h wasn't like other people, he didn't skip to assumptions, like most people did, he listened to CN, unlike most people did, and he really seemed to be paying attention, unlike most people did. 

lunch was over really quick it seemed, unlike most other lunches, where it felt endless and boring. after lunch though, they had an announcement...

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